With Telstra having extremely uncharacteristic outages of late, the company once known as Vodafail but which has turned things around massively wants you to join it. With Vodafone having long offered its ‘Network Happiness Guarantee’, the company has seen much water under the bridge with a vastly more solid and strong network than in the bad days.
Australia recorded the highest average peak mobile connection speeds globally in the fourth quarter of last year, recording speeds of 153.3 Mbps, according to the latest State of the Internet report from content delivery network (CDN) provider Akamai.
Apple may have had its moment of glory (well 60 minutes) at its launch today but Phil Schiller, Vice President of Worldwide Marketing, was simply rude and insulting about the opposition products – not good form, nor very PC (politically correct).
A new app has been launched by Australia’s on-demand home improvement marketplace, hipages, which will allow payments to tradies with frictionless WhatsApp-style messaging and Uber-like payments.
Security is about to go quantum thanks to new Australian research. A research team at the University of Sydney is claiming a major breakthrough in generating single photons (light particles), as carriers of quantum information in security systems.
Vale one of the pioneers of personal computing. Andrew Stephen "Andy" Grove, who passed away at the age of 79 yesterday, was a Hungarian-born American businessman, engineer, and author. He was a science pioneer in the semiconductor industry.
We also have all the important breaking news for the past 24 hours.
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Have a great day!
Stan Beer, Editor in Chief, iTWire
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