Recipes (March 17, 2019)
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Here's a fun baked potato. Please submit your favorite recipes and food tips for a chance to win in out bimonthly contests.

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Today's Featured Post

Volcano Potatoes

By suz1230

Volcano Potatoes on plateI saw this on tv, but found many recipes on the internet afterwards, and went from there. The minute I saw this potato, well... I HAD to make them. They tasted even better than they look, and the name of them grabbed me, too.

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Today's Guides
Shamrock Pizzas
Shamrock Pizzas
Cheese Biscuit Recipes
Cheese Biscuits
Lucky Charms Shamrock Shaped Treats
Shamrock Shaped Treats
Grilled Potato Recipes
grilled potatoes and onions in foil package
Today's Posts

Gluten Free Peach Cobbler

By littergitter

Gluten Free Peach CobblerI experimented making a gluten free Peach cobbler by using gluten free bisquick. It turned out irresistible. I tasted it when it came out of the oven and couldn't keep my spoon out of it while cooking dinner.

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Blue Corn Tortillas

By Holly

cooked Blue Corn TortillasYou don't have to have a tortilla press to enjoy fresh, homemade corn tortillas. They keep for a week when refrigerated. To reheat, just put them over a medium flame on the skillet, cooking 20-30 seconds per side.

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Easy Flavored Frosting

By Grandma J

Here is a tip when having to prepare a quick powdered sugar frosting, whether your recipe is homemade or store bought. I take a spoonful of Jello powder and add it to the beginning mix.

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