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Monday April 2 2018
Volvo launches Euro 5 trucks in UAE
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Jassim Transport & Stevedoring Co. orders six Demag all terrain cranes
Gulf Oil Middle East signs UAE distribution agreement with Al Naboodah Group Enterprises
Automechanika Dubai exhibitors upbeat about Expo 2020
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Volvo uses 3D printing to deliver spare parts
Gulf Oil Middle East signs UAE distribution agreement with Al Naboodah Group Enterprises
UAE consumers should take advantage of no-claims discounts on car insurance, says yallacompare
Automechanika Dubai exhibitors upbeat about Expo 2020
In Pictures: Big 5 Heavy 2018
Editor's Choice
In Pictures: Mercedes-Benz Actros and Arocs
In Pictures: Big 5 Heavy 2018
UAE consumers should take advantage of no-claims discounts on car insurance, says yallacompare
Under new regulations, UAE drivers are entitled to discounts of up to 20% on their insurance renewals if they have not been claimed
Al-Bahar introduces next generation Cat equipment at the Big 5 Heavy
New machines on display included the Cat 320 excavator and Cat 962L wheel loader
In pictures: Chevrolet returns to medium-duty segment with new Silverado trucks
Chevrolet revealed its first-ever Silverado Class 4, 5 and 6 chassis cab trucks, the Silverado 4500HD, 5500HD and 6500HD at NTEA The Work Truck Show held in March 2018.
Dennis Daniel
Editor, PMV Middle East
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E: dennis.daniel@itp.com
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