Cancer Grand Challenges: everything you need to know about applying

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Cancer Grand Challenges: everything you need to know about applying

Watch our pre-application webinar

Dear Voornaam,

Through our 20 million Cancer Grand Challenge awards, were daring global, multidisciplinary teams to come together and take on one of cancers toughest challenges. Last year we launched nine new challenges, each with the potential to drive radical progress in cancer research and were looking forward to hearing how you would take them on.

On 12 January we held a virtual event featuring all the information you need to know about applying and a Q&A session. Don't worry if you missed the event - check out the recording here.

The deadline for expressions of interest is 22 April 2021.

Best wishes,

The Cancer Grand Challenges team

Watch the webinar

The nine challenges

Cachexia logo

Understand and reverse cachexia and declining performance status in cancer patients

Dormancy logo

Identify and target dormant cancer cells

E-cigarettes logo

Determine the potential benefits and risks of e-cigarette use

Extrachromosomal DNA
Extrachromosomal DNA

Understand the biology of ecDNA generation and action, and develop approaches to target these mechanisms in cancer

Inflammation logo

Determine how inflammation causes cancer


Systemically deliver macromolecules to intracellular targets for therapeutic benefit in cancer

Normal phenotypes logo
Normal phenotypes

Understand how cells and tissues maintain normal phenotypes whilst harbouring oncogenic mutations and how they transition to become a tumour

Senescence logo

Understand and exploit senescence to improve cancer treatment

Solid tumours in children
Solid tumours in children

Develop novel therapies to target unique features in solid tumours in children

Explore all challenges