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Chronicle of Philanthropy Logo
Fundraising Webinar
What You Need to Know to Raise Money From Overseas Donors
Thursday, August 8, 2019
2:00 - 3:00 PM ET
Learn how to add international donors into your nonprofit's fundraising strategy.
From environmental and humanitarian groups to hospitals, colleges, and museums, fundraisers are increasingly setting their sights on donors outside the United States. But seeking gifts abroad comes with a unique set of challenges – including different laws, customs, and cultures of philanthropy.

How can you join the ranks of charities expanding their fundraising strategies to include donors abroad?

Join the Chronicle of Philanthropy on August 8 for the webinar, What You Need to Know to Raise Money From Overseas Donors. Register by August 1 to save 20%.

Reserve your spot and engage with experts to learn:
  • What to consider when deciding whether to expand your nonprofit’s fundraising overseas
  • What needs to be in place before your organization starts seeking international gifts
  • How to adapt your strategies when raising money abroad
Amelia Aldred Photo
Amelia Aldred
University of Chicago
Katie Fanning Photo
Katie Fanning
Missouri Botanical Garden
Sabine Schuller Photo
Sabine Schuller
Rotary Foundation

The Chronicle of Philanthropy | 1255 Twenty-Third St., N.W. | Washington, D.C. 20037
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