Thursday 6 October 2022 View in browser


A world-class precinct to benefit all Victorians

I was thrilled yesterday to welcome the Hon Daniel Andrews MP, the Hon Jaala Pulford MP and the Hon Ben Carroll MP to the Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre to make the second major health funding announcement in as many days.

The announcement of the biggest hospital infrastructure project in Australia’s history, along with further investment in the future of biomedical research facilities in the Parkville precinct totalling $5-6 billion is incredibly exciting, and we are committed to leveraging the benefits of this world-class hub for all Victorians touched by cancer.

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Latest News

Two major regional players sign new agreement

The VCCC Alliance is delighted to announce Albury/Wodonga Health and Bendigo Health as its first Regional Program Partners for the remainder of the Strategic Program Plan 2021-24 (SPP).

Associate Professor Craig Underhill, VCCC Alliance Regional Oncology Lead and Clinical Director of Oncology Services at Albury Wodonga Health, said developing relationships and effective systems between metropolitan and regional health services has huge potential.

“This is a great opportunity to overcome the barriers faced by rural and regional patients, so they have equitable access to clinical trials, comparable to their metropolitan counterparts.”

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Kathleen Wilkins: Embedding a regional consumer’s perspective

The VCCC Alliance is delighted to announce Kathleen Wilkins has joined its Cancer Consumer Advisory Committee as an Additional Member (Regional Victoria).

We caught up with Kathleen as part of our VCCC Alliance – In Person series to hear more about her story, how she got involved as a consumer, and what it’s like being involved with the VCCC Alliance.

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Consumer Engagement Toolkit hits major milestone

Since its launch in late 2019, the VCCC Alliance Consumer Engagement Toolkit has cemented its place as an important reference resource – now having been viewed over 20,000 times.

Donna Long, Network Manager Regional Trials Network – Victoria, said the consumer engagement toolkit filled an important gap, particularly in the regions: “The resources  have provided us with the confidence to engage with our regional consumers, making sure we are supporting them.”

We’re always looking for ways to improve our online toolkits and resources, so if you've used our consumer toolkit, please consider completing this short 10-minute survey to tell us about your experience.

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IIT toolkit goes from strength to strength

The VCCC Alliance Investigator-Initiated Trials (IIT) Toolkit reached new heights in FY 21/22, with traffic to the freely available digital asset showing strong growth in every key metric.

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Towards Better Outcomes for All: Annual Report 2021-22

Our latest Annual Report highlights the breadth, diversity and significance of our work, our future potential and our impact on the cancer sector as we strive towards better outcomes for all.

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Education & Training

2022 Picchi Awards recognise three emerging leaders

Three promising PhD students from across the VCCC Alliance have been recognised with the 2022 Picchi Awards for Excellence in Cancer Research. 

Irene Deftereos (Western Health, University of Melbourne), Asha Bonney (Royal Melbourne Hospital, University of Melbourne) and Wenxin Hu (Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre) took out the prestigious awards in the areas of Clinical Science, Population Health and Basic Science respectively.

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'A pivotal moment in my career': 2019 intern Stephanie Bricker reflects on SKILLED Program

We caught up with one of our star former SKILLED Clinical Trial interns, Stephanie Bricker, who is now a Clinical Trial Manager at Bristol-Myers Squibb. Stephanie completed the 2019 Clinical Trial Assistant internship and credits the program with her success in the highly competitive clinical trials field.

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How international collaboration can impact Sarcoma outcomes

Sarcomas are a broad range of cancers, with many types that are ultra-rare, that develop in the bones and soft tissues. Their natural history and outcomes are poorly understood.

International collaborations between individual centres have now led to an unprecedented collection of retrospective and prospective data on sarcomas – fundamental to improving knowledge, generating hypotheses and building evidence to test in clinical trials – and successful recruitment to randomised trials.

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Closing soon: Regional SKILLED clinical trial internships

There are limited places remaining in the 2023 SKILLED Clinical Trial Internship Program. Apply now for a regionally-based Clinical Trial Assistant or Study Coordinator position. Applications close 9am, Tuesday 11 October.

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Recognising outstanding achievements and contributions from across the VCCC Alliance

Professor John Prins

Congratulations to Professor John Prins, who will be leaving the University of Melbourne after serving four years as Head of the Melbourne Medical School (MMS). John was also an active member of the VCCC Alliance's Cancer Education and Training Advisory Committee.

Professor Stephen Trumble

Congratulations to Professor Stephen Trumble, who will be stepping down from the role of Head of the Department of Medical Education in December 2022 after eight years.

Professor Marilys Guillemin

Congratulations to Professor Marilys Guillemin, Associate Dean Learning and Teaching, who is retiring from MDHS after seven years as Associate Dean Learning and Teaching.

Upcoming Events



MLL: Introducing the Victorian Paediatric Cancer Consortium

Learn about their discovery research, clinical innovation and work with patients and families impacted by paediatric cancer.

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Consumers as active partners in research: workshop for researchers

Build your skills and confidence to involve consumers in your research.

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Imposter Syndrome, a Thinkwell Workshop

Why successful people often feel like frauds.

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VCCC Alliance Precision Oncology Forum: Understanding resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in breast cancer

Hear about the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre's clinical study (Decode).

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Literature Review Workshop for Nurses

This joint presentation and workshop covers the types of literature reviews and critical appraisal.

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Research Translation Showcase Symposium

Join us for the first translational research symposium.

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The Balanced Researcher, a Thinkwell Workshop

Learn strategies thousands of researchers have found helpful in balancing the many demands on their time.

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VCCC Alliance Clinical Research Online Workshop

A practical and interactive workshop that explores clinical trials design.

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Spotlight On...

Wednesday 2–Friday 4 November 2022
COSA's 49th Annual Scientific Meeting

The theme for the 2022 COSA ASM is Equitable cancer care for all: Gender, identity, culture, geography, and disease should not matter.

The disease theme will have a strong focus on lung cancer, as well as health equity in terms of treatments and outcomes. This leads to a focus on vulnerable patients with poor outcomes such as regional and rural patients and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with cancer.

The VCCC Alliance is pleased to be joining with the Victorian Aboriginal Community-Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) to host a 90-minute Lung Cancer Symposium at COSA, focusing on the barriers and opportunities in implementing a lung cancer screening program at a state and national level.

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Sunday 9 October, 8.00am–1.30pm
Olivia's Walk for Wellness

Honour Olivia's legacy this Sunday and bring love and light to those with cancer.

We are deeply saddened by the passing of a giant of the cancer community, Dame Olivia Newton-John. Olivia loved people coming together to support those with cancer. That’s why the Walk for Wellness was always very special to her.

Support Olivia’s legacy by joining the Walk this year either in Melbourne or virtually from where ever you are in the world and bring love & light to those with cancer.

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September Snapshot

12 Education and training events
945 Education and training event attendees
VCCC Alliance members