Worldwide ecolabel for renewable energy
Newsletter 146,  29 September 2021
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What's new?
In this issue:

1.   Young Energy Trailblazer Award - Vote now for EKO-Merve!
2.   Short video by EUSEW about EKOenergy
3.   EKOenergy is a partner association of RE-Source 2021
4.   EKOenergy consumers help bring solar energy to remote, off-grid communities in Mali
5.   Getting ready for the REC Market Meeting 2021
6.   Highlights from our social media
7.   Another reason to rapidly phase out fossil fuels: Ocean acidification
1.    Young Energy Trailblazer Award – Vote now for EKO-Merve
Merve Güngör has been working for EKOenergy since 2016 and this year she is one of the three finalists shortlisted for the EU Sustainable Energy Awards, in the Young Energy Trailblazer category. Congratulations Merve!

The Young Energy Trailblazer Award recognises outstanding activities carried out by young people (under 35) which advance the clean energy transition in Europe and inspire ambitious climate and energy action.

A public vote will determine the winner. Your support is welcome! Please visit the voting page of the EU Sustainable Energy Week 2021 and vote for Merve Güngör from EKOenergy. Voting doesn’t require registration and takes less than 5 seconds!

If you want to do more, you can ask your colleagues to vote for Merve and EKOenergy too! You can also share our social media posts about the award.
"That’s fantastic. Merve and her colleagues at EKOenergy are doing great work. I've always been impressed by her enthusiasm and the way she bridges between the civil society, policy makers and business leaders."
- Bruce Douglas, Director at Eurelectric, in the video for the EU Sustainable Energy Week Awards
2.    Short video by EUSEW about EKOenergy
The EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) team made a short video about each finalist and their projects. The video for Merve's candidacy explains EKOenergy's work and highlights how we help advance the clean energy transition by inspiring climate and energy action.

The video is available on the voting page of the EUSEW Awards. You can also watch it with subtitles in 10 languages on EKOenergy's YouTube channel.

Thanks a lot to everyone involved, especially to Adam White from RECS International and Bruce Douglas from Eurelectric for agreeing to be in the video.
3.    EKOenergy is a partner association of RE-Source 2021
EKOenergy is a proud partner association of the RE-Source event this year too.

The conference focuses on the latest developments in sourcing renewable energy, with particular emphasis on PPAs. It's one of the biggest gatherings of corporate buyers and clean energy suppliers, offering plenty of opportunities for learning, discussions and meetings.

RE-Source 2021 takes place on 14-15 October, in 2 weeks! If you don't want to miss it, register now!

We are looking forward to meeting in person with some of you there. If you want to take the opportunity to schedule a meeting, feel free to get in touch!
"With COP26 nearing, we call on you not to include fossil gas in the EU sustainable taxonomy: it would ruin the taxonomy’s credibility, undermine the European Green Deal, and send a disastrous global signal at odds with the urgent need for climate mitigation efforts."
- More than 150 groups and organisations including EKOenergy, call upon the EU to get ready for a phase-out of all fossil gas
4.    EKOenergy consumers help bring solar energy to remote, off-grid communities in Mali
EKOenergy promotes the use of sustainable, renewable energy in many ways. Via our Climate Fund, we collect funds to finance clean energy projects that fight energy poverty, often in remote and off-grid communities. All financed projects have links with many Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as zero hunger (SDG 2), good health and well-being (SDG 3) and gender equality (SDG 5).

In cooperation with the Siemenpuu Foundation, we selected two more solar projects in Mali, a country that is on the frontline of the climate crisis and where many live without access to electricity. Both projects will be implemented by local grassroots organisations that are very active in the field of climate change.

The Association de Soutien aux Initiatives Communautaires (ASIC) will install a PV installation in a multifunctional women's center in Kolokani, and the Association Malienne pour l’Appui et la Promotion des Initiatives Locales (AMAPIL) will bring solar energy to two villages in the district of Nossombougou, to facilitate irrigation and enable electric lighting.

Recently we also got a report of another project we financed in Mali, which supports the service in 12 health centres with the help of clean energy. For more information, see our leaflets Solar-powered electronic medical record system in Mali in English and Un dossier médical électronique grâce à l’énergie solaire au Mali in French. 
5.    Getting ready for the REC Market Meeting 2021
The preparations for this year's REC Market Meeting are well underway. Throughout the years, the REC Market Meeting has grown from a small gathering for Energy Attribute Certficate (EAC) professionals to a successful and recognised global platform for policy makers, market players, NGOs and academics in the field of renewable energy consumption.

This year's conference will take place in Amsterdam on 30 November and 1 December.

EKOenergy is particularly involved in the organising of the C-stream sessions, which focus on basic information about tracking systems, new developments and how EACs are used in practice. Together with the organisers, we want to make sure that both long-term experts and newcomers have a fruitful conference, with plenty of opportunities to meet, learn and discuss.

We are looking forward to seeing many of you there! For the full program and registration, see the conference website. If you register before 1 October, you can still benefit from the early-bird tariff!
"The EKOenergy initiative empowers consumers by giving them more information about the energy they buy. We work together on conferences and on webinars and in meetings with legislators, to make the most strong laws we can to support buying renewable energy. "
- Adam White, Secretary General of RECS International, in the video for the EU Sustainable Energy Week Awards
6.    Highlights from our social media
By following EKOenergy on social media, you get relevant updates with regard to the climate crisis, renewable energy and EKOenergy's activities worldwide. Here are some recent posts:

- In cooperation with many other organisations, we have sent a letter to 60 banks with the clear message: Stop Funding Fossil Fuels Now! (on Twitter).
- We were asking for climate action this week too: No fossil fuels and more renewables! Thanks everyone who joined the global climate strike, wherever you are, at home or outside! Together we are unstoppable! (on Facebook)
- EKOenergy has been involved in facilitating communication among relevant stakeholders, as well as working to raise awareness about renewable energy use in Russia for almost a decade now. It's good to see some developments, though happening at a much slower rate than we need! (on LinkedIn)
- Last weekend, we participated in a waste pickup activity, organised by the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation and Lidl Finland. We think that single-use plastics should be banned and polluters should pay for the pollution they cause! But in the mean time, all of us have to do what we can to limit damage. By picking up waste, we avoid that it ends up in rivers and seas, or in the stomachs of animals. (on Instagram)
"We must also keep in mind that we cannot negotiate and compromise with nature and the laws of physics."
7.    Another reason to rapidly phase out fossil fuels: Ocean acidification
Ocean Acidification Week (13-17 September) may have gone unnoticed to many, in the same way as the ocean acidification itself is easily forgotten, but that doesn't make the problem go away.

The dramatic impact of raising CO2 levels in the atmosphere is becoming more obvious year after year: increasing temperatures, extreme weather, droughts, flash floods,... Our emissions have an effect on the oceans too. Oceans absorb approximately 30% of the CO2 we release and that doesn't remain without bringing consequences. The CO2 combines with seawater to produce carbonic acid, reducing the pH of the seawater and thus turning it more acidic.

Research suggests that ocean acidification is already seriously impacting many species and will be a driver for substantial changes in the ocean ecosystems within this century. These changes may be made worse by the combined effect of the other emerging climate-related hazards, such as the decrease of oxygen levels in the oceans. Some recent studies even predict a collapse of the life-supporting capacity of our oceans.

Another reason to phase out fossil fuels soon!
We at EKOenergy are always enthusiastic to collaborate with new partners.
For further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
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