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Dear cover voters!

The Canadian Geographic editorial team would like to thank you for participating in our cover votes. Unfortunately, due to a pending change in our email platform, this will be the last cover vote sent through email. Future cover vote polls will be posted on Facebook and Instagram. We hope you will join us on those platforms to help us choose future Can Geo covers!

This issue is one of our favourites and includes dozens of fantastic wildlife photographs! From Canada's favourite mammals to our photo contest winners, we are sure you will find something to love. We have also included interviews with some of Canada's top wildlife photographers and stand-out Instagram photos captured by readers using the tag #sharecangeo. Our 2024 Wildlife SIP makes the perfect stocking stuffer and hits the newsstands on Sept. 23 in the east and Sept. 27 in the west! 

Which animal should be our cover star?

Clicking on a choice below submits your vote. 

Option 1: Curious Arctic fox
Option 2: Pine marten on alert

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