Facebook is out of control

Vote No on Zuckerberg

Facebook is at it again: This time the platform is blocking and banning Black users for speaking out against racism. Tell shareholders to dump Zuckerberg as chairman of the Board.


USA Today recently published an exposé on yet another Facebook scandal: Mark Zuckerberg’s platform is blocking Black users while White-supremacist content and trolling remain.1

This is just the tip of the iceberg: Facebook’s failure to tackle misinformation, discrimination, violent movements and data breaches is putting users — particularly Black users — at risk.

On May 30, we have a chance to finally demand change: Tell one of Facebook’s biggest shareholders — BlackRock — to vote NO on Mark Zuckerberg at the next shareholders’ meeting.

For years our partners at Color Of Change and the Center for Media Justice have brought to light Facebook’s discriminatory behavior. They’ve offered specific recommendations for a civil-rights intervention. And last year they joined Free Press in launching Change the Terms, a campaign to disrupt online hate by pushing tech companies to adopt model corporate policies.

Facebook’s response? It hired a GOP public-relations firm to run a smear campaign against Color Of Change and others.

Facebook is out of control.

Color Of Change has issued a call to action: “On May 30th, we have a huge opportunity to demand change: BlackRock is one of the largest outside shareholders of Facebook. If we can get them to join other major investors in voting against Mark Zuckerberg for the Board of Directors, we will trigger a public reckoning of Facebook’s harmful power structure.”

We must address the dangerous concentration of corporate power that allows Facebook to operate on the whims of a single person. Tell one of Facebook’s biggest shareholders — BlackRock — to vote NO on Mark Zuckerberg at the May 30 shareholders’ meeting and put an end to his nightmare reign.

Thanks for all that you do—

Collette, Jessica, Nilda and the rest of the Free Press team

P.S. A recent USA Today report revealed that Facebook is removing posts and banning Black users who speak out against racism. Tell one of Facebook’s biggest shareholders — BlackRock — to vote NO on Mark Zuckerberg’s nomination to the board of directors and finally bring accountability to the executive team.

1. “Facebook While Black: Users Call It Getting 'Zucked,' Say Talking About Racism Is Censored as Hate Speech,” USA Today, April 24, 2019: https://act.freepress.net/go/30919?t=9&akid=12731%2E10296224%2E10rub-

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