Network Computing
March 18, 2021
VPN's Days Are Numbered: Here Comes Zero-Trust Security
Despite providing generally fast and reliable remote security during the COVID-19 pandemic, VPN may soon be replaced by an even more resilient technology. Here's what you need to know about zero-trust security.

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Creating Safe, Flexible Spaces for a Transformed Workforce
Modernizing the connectivity and communications infrastructure for the post-pandemic era will pay even greater dividends over the next decade.
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Prepare for That Next Natural Disaster: Lessons Learned in Texas
If the Texas storms last month taught us nothing else, it's that disasters have a way of striking, regardless of whether we're ready for them.
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Advances Speed Time to Massive IoT Asset Tracking and Monitoring
Enterprises to benefit from COVID-19 driven distribution advances, cost reduction efforts, and energy efficiency options.
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2021 Top Enterprise IT Trends
We've identified the key trends that are poised to impact the IT landscape in 2021. Find out why they're important and how they will affect you. Read More
The Quest for the Holy Grail of Automation
Automation drives down costs, improves agility, and makes new business models practical, with a potential upside of a more than tenfold improvement in efficiency. Read More
App Modernization Goes Mainstream Again
The reality of modernization as a survival skill for business is seen in the way modernization has morphed from competitive advantage to mainstream initiative. Read More
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