We can break the vicious cycle in local news.
Free Press Action


The story of local media in the U.S. has become predictable: consolidation followed by massive layoffs and less local coverage. Rinse and repeat.

But this past year Free Press Action led the charge on an innovative solution that has the potential to revolutionize the way local media is created and funded around the country.

The Civic Info Consortium, signed into law by New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, would invest millions in projects that provide valuable local-news coverage in places that have become news deserts and elevate the voices of people of color and others who have been systematically ignored by many media outlets.

Sounds great, right? Here’s the catch: Despite saying he supports the idea, Murphy has since pulled funding for this groundbreaking initiative, threatening its existence before it can even get off the ground. We have a chance to save the Civic Info Consortium — and create a model that could be replicated across the country. But only if Murphy makes this a priority.

Urge Murphy to be a national leader and fully fund the Civic Info Consortium.

The fact that Murphy signed the bill was an enormous victory for local communities in the Garden State. And people get it: Scores of activists from across the country have contacted us to find out how they can pass similar legislation in their states.

But without funding, this pioneering effort won’t work.

Creative projects like the Civic Info Consortium are the key to addressing the local-news crisis. Let Gov. Murphy know the country is watching and waiting for his leadership.

Thanks for all that you do—

Mike, James, Heather and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. When we launched this effort, creating the Civic Info Consortium was labeled a pipe dream. But even in these trying times, we refuse to give up. Tell Murphy the nation is rooting for the success of this groundbreaking initiative.

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