TODAY'S TOP STORIES - December 7, 2017

Walter Scott's Family Finds Justice in Killer's Conviction

By Emily C. Bell, AlterNet

Michael Slager will serve 20 years in a federal prison. READ MORE»

Obama Invokes Hitler in Chilling New Warning to All Americans

By Jen Hayden, DailyKos

"We have to tend to this garden of democracy or else things could fall apart quickly." READ MORE»

CNN's Alisyn Camerota Drives Corey Lewandowski Up the Wall with a Single Question

By David Edwards, Raw Story

Trump allies' hypocrisy on Roy Moore knows no bounds. READ MORE»

The GOP Is Developing a Sinister Scheme in the Event of a Government Shutdown

By Matthew Sheffield, Salon

Republicans are facing disaster and will almost certainly look to blame Democrats. READ MORE»

Could Al Franken's Resignation Lead to Trump's Impeachment?

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

Stephanie Ruhle argues the Minnesota senator could be a "sacrificial lamb." READ MORE»

The Stupidity of Donald Jr.'s Attempt to Stonewall Congress Almost Defies Belief

By Graham Lanktree, Newsweek

The president's son hasn't the faintest idea how attorney-client privilege works. READ MORE»

Intern Lays Into Jeff Sessions in Newly Unearthed Video from the Department of Justice

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

The attorney general looked visibly rattled. READ MORE»

Facebook Is Partnering with a Right-Wing Website to Police Fake News

By Media Matters Staff, Media Matters

When did The Weekly Standard become an arbiter of the truth? READ MORE»

The California Wildfire Has Reduced Several Los Angeles Suburbs to Ash

By Haroon Siddique, The Guardian

Firefighters are racing against time to control multiple blazes. READ MORE»

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