Connecting the World of IT
What will the 'mega security breach' of the future look like?
Ransomware: Four ways to protect data now
Panel discusses ransomware disease sweeping Asia-Pacific

Why WannaCry might make Microsoft cry in China






Three important takeaways from the biggest global cyberattack

What can we learn from the rapid global spread of the WannaCry programme?


People & processes (not patches) responsible for WannaCry outbreak

Andrew Douthwaite of VirtualArmour describes how WannaCry spread and what we can learn from all this.


Why WannaCry might make Microsoft cry in China

China's reliance on illegitimate software means it was hit even harder than the west.




What will the 'mega security breach' of the future look like?
We ask security professionals about the future of security breaches.
Mapping the ransomware landscape: Understanding the scope and sophistication of the threat
An overview of ransomware including what it is, how it works, and what you can do about it.
Does ransomware make antivirus obsolete?
Antivirus and whitelisting are the keys to stopping ransomware in its tracks, argues one expert.

Panel discusses ransomware disease sweeping Asia-Pacific

Alan Zeichick, Principal Analyst at Camden Associates discusses a recent expert cyber security panel discussion held in Sydney.









Ransomware: Four ways to protect data now
Discover four ways your organizsation can reduce exposure to the ransomware threat, and recover encrypted data more quickly and effectively.
Ransomware: Why you mustn't pay the ransom
How to prepare for a ransomware attack before it happens


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