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Writer's Digest Annual Conference
NEW opportunity just added—
Agent One-on-Ones!

Searching for a literary agent? At the 2016 Writer’s Digest Annual Conference in New York City next month, we’ve got lots of them. The Pitch Slam is sold out—but fear not. We’ve got a new opportunity for you to get plenty of personal agent attention at our event, and find that perfect match that leads to representation.

We've added new Agent One-on-One meetings on Friday, August 12. They last 15 minutes each—giving you a leisurely meeting with an agent to talk about your book and writing goals.

While each meeting at the sold-out Pitch Slam lasts just three minutes, each of these new Friday meetings give you more time to discuss anything you like. You just choose the individual agent(s) you want to meet with, and then bam, you’re got a guaranteed spot with them for a no-rush, personal pitch meeting or consultation. There will be 23 participating agents for you to choose from!

Want more? You got it. All attendees who sign up for these Friday One-on-Ones also receive a video download I created called “10 Mistakes Writers Make When Submitting to Agents.” This will help you along your writing journey, and especially before you meet agents at the WD event. You’ll also get a one-year subscription to the Guide to Literary Agents content (i.e., our entire literary agent database) on WritersMarket.com, giving you access to all the agent submission and listing information we have on tap.

So join me at our annual event, and sit down with agents on Friday. Be our next success story, and let us brag about your success this time next year.

Chuck Sambuchino

Chuck Sambuchino
Guide to Literary Agents
Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market

Author, Formatting & Submitting Your Manuscript, 3rd Ed. (2009)
Author, Create Your Writer Platform (2012)
Author, Get a Literary Agent (Jan. 2015)


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Writer's Digest Annual Conference in NYC!
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