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Video: Visiting a food truck? Have plastic handy
Video: Visiting a food truck? Have plastic handy
The trendy eateries prefer credit and debit for ease and security, and some have started flat-out refusing cash.
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Poll: We love charging small items
Poll: We love charging small items
In a poll conducted by, many said they used credit to charge items $5 or less.
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WHow old does your authorized user have to be?
How old does your authorized user have to be?
You want to improve your child's credit by adding them as an authorized user -- but can you? We'll tell you card issuers' policies.
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Charged Up! podcast: Understanding your 401(k)
Charged Up! podcast: Understanding your 401(k)
We speak with Tom Zgainer, CEO of America's Best 401K, about what you should know about your plan, what to do if you don't have one and options for the self-employed.
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Expert Q&A
Gaga over Lady Gaga? Hankering for Hank? Some cards grant early access to concert tickets
One seldom-used credit card benefit is special access to concert tickets. Here's how to know if your card offers this perk.
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Taking charge
3 inbox items putting your credit cards at risk
Want to #boycottUnited? Here are 26 other airlines where you can redeem points
If the recent video of a passenger being removed from a United Airlines flight has you turned off of the company, you don't have to worry about losing your airline points.
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Product news
AmEx ups the ante for the Platinum card with a 60k sign-up bonus
AmEx ups the ante for the Platinum card with a 60k sign-up bonus
With a new, 60,000-point sign-up bonus, the American Express Platinum card goes toe-to-toe with the Chase Sapphire Reserve.
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