Hi John,

Hope you are enjoying the holidays, and your year-end fundraising is on track to exceed your goals!

I'm working on my big annual holiday party that will be next weekend- it's always such fun for me!

Here's a question to contemplate:

Are you happy with your organization’s performance in the major gift arena?

I'm hearing from more and more nonprofit leaders about major gift fundraising. They're coming to understand that it's the most efficient and effective fundraising strategy of all.

What does it take to ramp up a robust major gift program? It takes training, a solid, rigorous structure, and an organization-wide commitment.

My post this week shares the important building blocks your organization needs, if you want to close more and more highly profitable major gifts.

Want to Build Your Major Gifts? 5 Steps to Take Right Now!

I’m having some fun covering:

  • What kind of organizational commitment does it really take?
  • How will a rigorous Discovery Process save time and money?
  • What role does your CEO need to play?

Every single organization can raise so very much more IF you focus seriously on major gift fundraising. Whether you are large or small – devoting your energy here is more than worth the time and investment.

We are happy to help you, train you and cheer you on!

Consider joining our Major Gifts Roadmap 2020, if you and your team want structured training and coaching to set up and expand major gifts fundraising for your organization. We’d love to help you.

Thank you for all that you do to help heal planet earth. I so appreciate your dedication and good heart.

Please let me acknowledge you for all that you do!!

Happy holidays,


Looking for a Fundraising Consulting Firm?

We can help. Our team of experts is working with nonprofits all over the country, staging capital campaigns and building fundraising programs.

Simply hit reply and let us know if you would like to find out more.

MAJOR GIFTS ROADMAP is filling up for 2020.

If you and your team need training AND implementation support to ramp up major gifts for your organization, think about joining this 10-month program. We are seeing more interest than ever before, so I expect we’ll fill up early.

Check it out here and let me know if you are interested.


Don't forget to join us for our Facebook Live broadcast on Wednesdays at noon.

This week, I discussed the five building blocks of major gifts fundraising.

Gail Perry

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