American Writer's & Artists Inc.
Dear Writer's Digest Subscriber,
I want to tell you about a writing opportunity that is probably unlike anything you've ever heard of before ... one that pays writers very well and is desperate to find new writers.
It isn't novel writing.
You definitely won't need an agent.
And you don't need to worry about selling stories to picky editors or competing in a field of strong essay writers.
This is hands-down the best paying and most respected freelance writing opportunity I've ever seen ...
And as President of American Writers & Artists Inc. (AWAI) I've seen a LOT! We've been helping writers make a good living by writing for almost 20 years now.
Hello. My name is Rebecca Matter, and it's my job to uncover the very best freelance writing opportunities and teach writers how to get paid to write them.
And while there are loads of well-paying writing opportunities these days ...
One stands out above the rest.
So I've gone ahead put together a very special online training session to give you all the details about the #1 paid writing opportunity ... as well as where the best assignments are and how to land them.
And I've even set it up so you can access it for free by going here.
In just one hour, I'll show you exactly what the writing projects are ... where they're found ... what it takes to succeed (you'll be surprised what you DON'T need to know) ... how much money you can make... where to find quality clients... and how you can get started right away.
Click here to register for my FREE online training session now.
I look forward to "seeing" you there!
To your success,
Rebecca Matter President, American Writer's & Artists Inc. (AWAI)
P.S. You'll be amazed at how easy it is to make money as a writer if you follow this path ...
You could pick up enough clients to finally live the writing life of your dreams. Best of all, in my free training session, I'll show you how to get started right way.
Make sure you register for this free event now by going here.