TODAY'S TOP STORIES - May 11, 2017

Was Comey Fired Because the FBI’s Sights Were Turning Toward Trump’s Russian Mobster-Connected Business Ties?

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Investigating campaign collusion with the Russians is not exactly the FBI’s expertise, but organized crime, money-laundering and racketeering are. READ MORE»

5 Reasons Donald Trump's Sons Should Be the First Soldiers Deployed to Afghanistan

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

The mini-surge needs them.  READ MORE»

Sessions Abuses His So-Called Recusal in Advising Trump

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

In contrast to Neil Gorsuch, Sessions embodies the appearance of conflict of interest. READ MORE»

You Are Not Going to Believe This... Or Maybe You Will—Poll: The First Word That Comes to Mind When We Think of Trump Is...

By Katie Serena, Salon

According to a new survey, when most Americans are asked to describe him, they aren't thinking "president." READ MORE»

Donald Trump Is a Dictator in Training

By Jim Hightower, AlterNet

His belligerence is making him a global laughingstock. READ MORE»

Exclusive: How Trump Backers Weaponized Anthony Weiner to Defeat Clinton

By Matthew Harvey, Jonathan Z. Larsen, Russ Baker, WhoWhatWhy

The anatomy of a takedown. READ MORE»

The American War Machine: Never Has a Society Spent More for Less

By William Hartung, TomDispatch

The American way of war is a budget-breaker. READ MORE»

If Washington Won’t Rein in Corporate Greed, Your State Might

By Sarah Anderson, OtherWords

A business owner turned state legislator is working to rein in runaway pay at the top of the corporate ladder. READ MORE»

The Palestinian Hunger Strike Continues as Trump Prepares for His Israel Visit

By Vijay Prashad, AlterNet

The ugly face of the occupation is on display as 1,500 prisoners refuse to eat. READ MORE»

Good That France Didn't Elect a Fascist, But Not So Good That They Elected a Guy Who Will Impose Austerity

By Mark Weisbrot, The Huffington Post

It is primarily the economic policies of Europe, including France, over the past decade that have allowed the National Front to grow into a legitimate opposition party. READ MORE»

WATCH: Adorable Grade Schooler Demands Justice After Vice-President Pence 'Bopped' Him in the Face

By Noor Al-Sibai, Raw Story

He's polite as heck, but will he get his apology? READ MORE»

Vermont Becomes First State to Pass Legislation Legalizing All Pot Use

By Charlie May, Salon

The bill, which awaits the Governor's pen, is the first of its kind in the United States. READ MORE»

Big Pharma's Pollution Is Creating Deadly Superbugs While the World Looks the Other Way

By Madlen Davies, The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

Environmental standards do not feature in international regulations governing drug production. READ MORE»

Mass Incarceration and the Achievement Gap

By Leila Morsy, The American Prospect

The impact of imprisoned parents on children shows how criminal justice policy is education policy. READ MORE»

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