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Working towards a triple win situation in four cities in Mali: jobs, health and a circular economy.

How can you create systemic employment challenges, while addressing waste management and safe sanitation? In Mali we do this in the EJOM project. Read all  about what we’ve learned during this project.

Decoding sanitation skepticism in India:
a systemic approach to the circular economy of sanitation

The abundantly ‘shitty’ side of life: human waste. Uncomfortable though it may be to consider, this plentiful natural resource is stimulating endless opportunities around the world. For the 1.3 billion people living in India for example, it comes to around 335 million kg of excreta generated every single day. Considering this enormous scale, their ‘poop’ could be the next most important resource  for the future. Read the full article by WASTE adviser, Priska Prasetya, here

Keeping the links strong: cross-programme learnings handed down through the extended WASTE family in Nakuru, Kenya

Everyone who has ever worked with us knows that we always aim to strengthen local systems in the countries we work, building capacities of local stakeholders to effectively take ownership of waste management and water/sanitation/hygiene (WASH) services. To not ‘re-invent the wheel’, we look to our peers in the field for the best technologies to suit the contexts the varying local needs, learn from any mistakes and partner for efficiency and scale.

WASTE transfers plastic recycling knowledge between India and Mali

During the EJOM project, WASTE saw an incredible interest in learning more about plastic recycling. To give the participants of the programme more practical insights, we invited the owner of a plastic recycling machine building factory from India to give the technical training.

Upcoming Events

  • FEB 8-13  -WASTE & WASTE 3R, FINISH Mondial networking event with NIUA India at WUF Forum in Abu Dhabi
  • FEB 24–27 - AfWA conference in Kampala, Uganda with as main theme “Breaking New Ground to Accelerate Access to Water and Sanitation for All”
Under the programme FINILOOP we work with cities to reduce, redesign and improve management of plastics. With as ultimate goal? Creating green jobs and local circular economies. 

Check out our new video on this innovative programme. Contact Sophie van den Berg for more information about FINILOOP.
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