We Are Not Useful Idiots!
David Stockman and Michael Oliver return as guests on this week’s program.

As Dr. Yuri Maltsev noted last week, societies that believe citizens have no sovereign rights but rather are slaves of the state tend to engage in propaganda to keep their subjects obedient and in line with the wishes of the ruling lords. David will share research covered in his recent article titled “We are Not Useful Idiots!” that reveals a much more complex story of the Ukraine than the Washington narrative is providing. Washington claims to be much more concerned about the borders of the Ukraine than those of the southern U.S. border. How does that work?

We will ask David to give a grade to the religious practitioners of Keynesian economics and based on that, where he thinks our major markets are headed. Michael who has continued to provide excellent guidance regarding the precious metals markets will share his latest momentum and structural model results for gold and silver and several other key markets and help us understand how various market sectors are driving one another. 
David Stockman was formerly a senior managing director of The Blackstone Group. Prior to joining Blackstone, Mr. Stockman was a managing director at Salomon Brothers, Inc. He served as the director of the Office of Management and Budget in the Reagan administration from 1981 to August 1985 and was the youngest Cabinet member of the twentieth century. From 1976 to 1981, Mr. Stockman represented Michigan in the House of Representatives.

J. Michael Oliver entered the financial services industry in 1975 on the Futures side, joining E.F. Hutton’s International Commodity Division, NYC. He studied under David Johnson, head of Hutton’s Commodity Division and Chairman of the COMEX.

In the 1980’s Oliver began to develop his own momentum-based method of technical analysis. In 1987 Oliver, along with his futures client accounts (Oliver had trading POA) technically anticipated and captured the Crash. Oliver began to realize that his emergent momentum-structural-based tools should be further developed into a full analytic methodology.

In 1992 he was asked by the Financial VP and head of Wachovia Bank’s Trust Department to provide soft dollar research to Wachovia. Within a year Oliver shifted from brokerage to full-time technical research. MSA has provided its proprietary technical research services to financial and asset management clients continually since 1992. Oliver is the author of The New Libertarianism: Anarcho-Capitalism.  
Jay Taylor
Taylor Hard Money Advisors, Inc