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We are thrilled to announce the speakers for the 2024 Res Artis Conference Interweave the Spectrum: Beyond Collaboration!


Early Bird Registrations with close on June 30th!

2024 Res Artis Conference:

Interweave the Spectrum: Beyond Collaboration

September 6 - 9, 2024

The 2024 Res Artis conference titled Interweave the Spectrum: Beyond Collaboration will be organized by the Taipei|Treasure Hill Artist Village under the Taipei Culture Foundation and co-organized by the Taiwan Art Space Alliance held in Taipei from 6 – 9 September 2024. The conference is supported by the Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government.
Over 200 Res Artis Members, artists, curators, and art administrators from across the globe will gather in Taipei, a multicultural city in Asia that embraces creativity and openness, to focus on trends and challenges of collaborative practice within the international arts residencies field. Using the spectrum as a symbol, where the continuous flow brings the opposite extremes together, the conversation around collaboration will delve into deeper concepts of cross-disciplinary models, social engagement, capacity building and evaluation.
This conference will pay tribute to Margaret Shiu (1946–2021), the founder of Bamboo Curtain Studio and former board member of Res Artis. Margaret was a global leader in the arts residencies field who dedicated her life’s work to ensuring Taiwan and Asia’s place on the international arts residencies map. Her pioneering work in cross-cultural collaboration will be commemorated.

Alex BRAIWOOD (US) – Director, Iowa Lakeside Lab AIR Program

Anupama SEKHAR (India/UAE), Board Member, Res Artis & Selection Committee Member, International Fund for Cultural Diversity

Bolatito ADEREMI-IBITOLA (Nigeria) – Artist / Art Researcher, Museum of West African Art (MOWAA)

Caro OVERY (UK) – Green Arts Manager, Green Carbon Scotland

Catherine, Hsiao-Wen LEE (Taiwan) – Director of Beitou Museum, Taipei Culture Foundation

Cheng-Dao CHEN (Taiwan) – Principle, Tree Tree Tree Person

Chin MU (Taiwan) – Creative Producer for International Development, Program Department, National Theater and Concert Hall, Taipei

Chiung Ying HUANG (Taiwan) – Director, National Tainan Living Art Center

Daniel PELTZ (US) -Professor of Time and Space Arts, Uniarts, Helsinki / Co-founder, Rejmyre Art Lab’s Center for Peripheral Studies

Dar-Kun WU (Taiwan) – Director of Contemporary Art & Technology Media Platform,Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab(C-LAB)

Dito YUWONO (Indonesia) – Artist / Directors, Cemeti Institute for Art and Society

Elise HERGET (US) – Managing Director, WaterMill Foundation

Eliza DAWSON (Australia) – Executive Director, Res Artis

Emily Shin-Jie LEE (Taiwan) – Researcher, Framer Framed

En-Man CHANG (Taiwan) – Artist

Fang-Yi YANG (Taiwan) – Artist

Fiona Yu-Lun HSU (Taiwan) – Independent art worker, tsít uân collective

Gabriel GEE (France) – Professor of Art History of Franklin University Switzerland, the initiator of TETI Group

Heidi VOGELS (Netherland) – Artist, AiR Platform NL Coordinator, Transartist

Helmi FITA (Singapore) – Foreign Affairs Officer, Lìzé Puppet Art Colony

HINUMA Teiko (Japan) – Secretary General, AIR Network Japan

Hoi LEUNG (US) – Curator and Deputy Director, Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco  

Hui-Ching KO (Taiwan) – Arts@ITRI Project Leader, Industrial Technology Research Institute

Jacqueline SIM (Singapore) – Artist

James JACK (US) – Artist / Associate Professor, Termites Studio, Waseda University

Jamieson PEARCE (Australia) – Membership Coordinator, Res Artis

Jason WEE (Singapore) – Founding Artist and Director, Grey Projects

Jim RIMMER (Australia) – Head of Program, The Arts Wellbeing Collective

Jon OPIE (UK) – Head of Artist Support, ACME

Jun-Zuo LIN (Taiwan)- Artist

Jung-Yun CHO (Korea) – Executive Director of Cultural Affairs, Busan Cultural Foundation

Kuan-Yin LIU (Taiwan) -Division Chief of Promotion and Guidance Division, National Tainan Living Art Center

Kung-Hsu LAN (Taiwan) – Director, Grant Department, National Culture and Arts Foundation

Laurent ROZENCWAJG (Canada) – Program Manager, Studios and workshop-residences, Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec

Lisa FUNDERBURKE (USA) President and CEO, Artist Communities Alliance

Lizzy, Eun-A MOON (South Korea) – Artist

Mali WU (Taiwan) – Artist / Retire professor, Graduate Institute of Interdisciplinary Art, National Kaohsiung Normal University / Project Initiator “Art for Social Change” of National Tainan Living Art Center

Manojna YELURI (India) – Asia Regional Representative, Artists at Risk Connection

Marie FOL (France) – Development Lead, Keychange

Masashi ECHIGO (Japan) – Artist, Termites Studio

Megha RALAPATI (US) – Program Director, CEC ArtsLink

Mia HARRIS (UK) – Residencies: Senior Producer, Victoria & Albert Museum, South Kensington, London

Morgan FRAISSE-LÁSZLÓ (France) – Direction of cultural projects – Senior manager, French Office in Taipei

Nefeli MYRODIA (Greece) – Head of Onassis AiR, Onassis Foundation

Oyindamola FAITHFUL (Nigeria/UK) – – Executive & Artistic Director of the Centre for Contemporary Art, Lagos / Chair, Res Artis

Peng-Zhu XIONG (Taiwan) – Chief Executive Officer, Dimension Endowment of Arts

River LIN (Taiwan) – Artist / Curator, Taipei Performing Arts Center for Taipei Arts Festival, ADAM and Camping Asia

Roberto Riccardo ALVAU (Spain) – PhD Researcher and Assistant Professor, Complutense University of Madrid   

Robin EVERETT (UK) – Board Chair, Mustarinda (FI)

Ruo-Bing WANG (Singapore) – Lecturer, LASALLE | University of the Arts Singapore / Co-Founder, Comma Space

Shih-Hsiang TSAI (Taiwan) – Artist, Hyper Wave

Shu-Lun WU (Taiwan) – Board member, Taiwan Art Space Alliance/ Director, Taitung Dawn Art Village

Ssu-Ming SU (Taiwan) – Curator / Representative, Node Creative

Stephanie CHEUNG (Hong Kong) – Lead Curator, Make A Difference Institute / Independent curator, writer

Stephen KWOK (US) – Curator of Public Engagement, Dia Art Foundation

Wei-Hsiu TUNG (Taiwan) – Professor, Department of Visual Arts and Design, National University of Tainan

Yao-Hua SU (Taiwan) -Former Director, Taipei Culture Foundation/Associate Professor, Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University

Yi-Kai KAO (Taiwan) – Director, Thinkers’ Studio

Yohann FLOCH (France) – Director of Operations, On the Move

Yolanda, Jing-Wen LIN (Taiwan) – Chief Executive Officer, Grand View Art & Culture Foundation

Yu-Hsuan LEE (Taiwan) – President, Taiwan Art Space Alliance / Director, Hsinchu Railway Art Village

Yu-Lin CHIEN (Taiwan) – Arts@ITRI Project Manager, Industrial Technology Research Institute


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