Will you tell us your opinion?

Hi there, we still need your opinion! Our survey only takes 5 minutes - will you help us?

Take our survey and receive exclusive access to the report

We're trying to measure the impact of the pandemic on workplace learning - and we need your help.


Did your company spend more or less on learning this year? Do you expect learning resources to increase, or decrease? How much focus is there on upskilling?


Each year, we run our L&D survey, asking you for your opinions on some of the most important trends in HR and L&D.


With so much change, with so many variables, we need your help now more than ever.


Will you give us your opinion?

What do I get for taking the survey?


Apart from our warm thanks, you'll get exclusive pre-access to our 2021 L&D Report as soon as it releases, which will include:


L&D Benchmarking Survey: How much are other companies spending on L&D?


Key trends for 2022 & beyond: are you on track?


Plugging the Skills Gap: How are other companies responding to the skills shortage exacerbated by the pandemic?


Bitesize, actionable tips: and expert advice you can digest on your coffee break!


So what are you waiting for?


Karlavägen 104

115 26 Stockholm

