It turns our one of our competitors has produced some pretty astonishing results with and options-trading research service.
The Digest

Dear Reader,  

An email we sent out a few days ago has caused some controversy in our office.

It turns our one of our competitors has produced some pretty astonishing results with an options-trading research service.

Some of the folks in our office are questioning their numbers.

So we got on the phone and double-checked that these numbers are real results of real trades… not simply backtested data.

If you are an options trader, these are results you should not ignore.

We've posted the past six months of track record below so you can see for yourself.

Check it out - and if you are an options trader, looking for a potential new way to trade, give this work a look.

Best Regards,
Sean Goldsmith
Director of Content
Stansberry Research

P.S. Not only is the track record for this service quite good, the stories of regular folks making lots of money are pretty impressive too. Check out their results right here.


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