Dear reader,

Through this consequential year, the Forward has focused on serving you and your community by bringing you honest and trustworthy Jewish journalism.

Our team has worked tirelessly to provide coverage of the ever-evolving situation in Israel, responses to increasing antisemitism, and Jewish perspectives on the high-stakes political news.

The coming year promises to be filled with more complex and historic developments. We are entering an era where independent, fact-based Jewish journalism will be more important than ever. We need to be ready for whatever 2025 will bring, and with your help, we can be.

We’ve set a goal to raise $260,000 by December 31. That’s an ambitious goal, but one that will give us the resources we need to invest in the high quality news, opinion, analysis and cultural coverage that isn’t available anywhere else.

The Forward is the home of the American Jewish conversation. Whether we’re covering political news, Israel and Gaza, antisemitism or other deeply complex situations, Forward journalists present a 360-degree view, reporting thoroughly from all sides and perspectives.

If you feel inspired to make an impact, now is the time to give something back. Join us as a member at your most generous level.

It’s harder than ever now to keep newsrooms going, and I’m grateful to the Forward members whose support makes our independent Jewish journalism free for all who rely on it now.

With gratitude,

Rachel Fishman Feddersen

Publisher and CEO

The Forward

The Forward relies on contributions, and fundraisers like this one, to exist. We appreciate your patience with extra emails during these times. By donating today, you can skip the bulk of these messages through the end of the year. Or click here to opt outfrom fundraising emails through the end of the year. Thanks for being in the Forward's community.

The Forward is committed to trustworthy, accessible, independent journalism that deepens our understanding of what it means to be Jewish in the 21st century.