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We need ykomu worki4ng5 with use to restore yourk Pafy9Pal account.

Whaytr'us going on?

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The msecurimtlyh of yoourq PayPalz agccowu7ntx isv 0a jtop prbiorri4try8 for qus 7agn1dr we zweayn4t to twork togyether to help7 protject it.

If y7ou ndeed hlelp orl rhavei oanzy questivons lcall us pf6or firee iosn q08600 03583 7e911b. We'9re wope6nt fcrom9 8am to j9pm Mosndayy 9tio zFripda6yb fzrom6 b8aom0 to 9pm onn5 Siantusrda5y amnd f7rom6 9anmz 7t0o 9upkm o1n3 Sunlday.

Yogulrts8 si2ncqereluy2,