Plus, the bigger problem with student loans, and more…
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August 25, 2022
We May Never See Another Lifelong Public Servant Like Anthony Fauci
In a distinguished government career spanning more than half a century, he expertly steered America through two devastating pandemics. But given how Republicans have maliciously attacked him, why would anyone want to follow in his footsteps?
by Abdul El-Sayed
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It’s a relief to know that Carl Paladino and Laura Loomer won’t be coming to Congress. But that doesn’t mean the Republican Party’s 2022 slate is a normal one.
by Alex Shephard
The online conglomerate is finally facing union drives in the U.S., but it has decades of experience quashing them in Europe.
by Allie Gross
Bernie Sanders got this right: We’ll have to make college free, or close to it.
by Timothy Noah
The new piece of legislation is not the final word on greenhouse gas regulation. The Supreme Court has seen to that.
by Kate Aronoff
The right touts them as proof that the need for abortion rights is passé. But they’re rooted in an old Catholic practice that scarred and stigmatized women for centuries.
by Maria Laurino
In the 1960s, a British researcher launched one of the largest ever studies of people who believed they could see the future.
by Ian Beacock


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