This warrantless mass surveillance program violates your civil liberties.
free press action fund

Protect your privacy


In the fight for Net Neutrality we've made it clear that we won't let corporations control what we do online. But it's not just companies like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon we need to worry about — we must also be vigilant in protecting our civil liberties from infringement by the Trump administration.

Right now, Congress is beginning debate on Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act, a sweeping and controversial spying authority. It's set to expire at the end of this year and some are pushing for permanent reauthorization. We can't let that happen: Tell Congress not to reauthorize Section 702 spying.

Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act authorizes intelligence agencies like the FBI and NSA to scan phone calls, text messages and emails in bulk. These activities are supposed to target people outside the United States, but they also sweep up massive amounts of Americans’ communications — without a warrant or any individualized suspicion of wrongdoing.

Section 702 is one of the surveillance programs Edward Snowden exposed. Now it's up to us: Help protect our online privacy from an administration that's notorious for abusing power.

It’s common for the Section 702 dragnet to sweep up “family photographs, love letters, personal financial matters, discussions of physical and mental health, and political and religious exchanges.”1 While this sweeping authorization was meant to protect us from serious threats to national security, the FBI regularly uses it to sidestep Fourth Amendment protections and search Americans' personal information. Instead of letting this horrible surveillance dragnet expire, Sen. Tom Cotton's current bill would make it a permanent fixture of life in the United States.

The Trump administration has demonstrated hostility to activists, communities of color, and even journalists. If given the opportunity, the Trump administration will surely wield this powerful tool against America’s most vulnerable communities. We need your help to safeguard Americans’ privacy and make sure this authority is not renewed: Tell Congress NO on Section 702 spying.

Thanks for all that you do—

Sandy, Lucia, Candace and the rest of the Free Press Action Fund Team

P.S. This warrantless mass surveillance program violates your civil liberties. Tell Congress to reject any bill that would reauthorize Section 702.

1. “Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, National Security and Privacy Hearing,” Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, May 10, 2016:

The Free Press Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization fighting for your rights to connect and communicate. The Free Press Action Fund does not support or oppose any candidate for public office. Learn more at

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