The latest insights from CDP, the global environmental disclosure system These are uncertain times. Humanity is experiencing multiple crises. The COVID-19 pandemic, a public health crisis that has rapidly become an economic crisis. The climate crisis, an ever present and pressing global challenge. What these combined crises have highlighted are the inequalities and vulnerabilities faced by many in our societies. As millions around the world protest against systemic racism and inequality, the need for deep structural changes are ever clearer. Climate change, deforestation and water insecurity stand to impact the world’s most vulnerable the hardest. In order to build a resilient, inclusive and sustainable future, companies, investors, cities states, and regions must play a key role. It’s time to build back better. | |
Environmental action and racial justice must go hand-in-hand The killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and continued injustices towards African Americans have mobilized millions across the world to protest racial injustice. People of color are disproportionately impacted by injustice and wealth disparity – and also by climate change and pollution. Read this reflection from Bruno Sarda, President of CDP North America, on what this means for environmental action. | |
Non-Disclosure Campaign We have launched our biggest ever Non-Disclosure Campaign with 105 global investors. With over US$10 trillion in assets, these investors are actively targeting companies that have received the CDP disclosure request on behalf of investors but have not responded. Among the 1,051 companies targeted are Exxon Mobil, Facebook and Domino’s Pizza. | |
North America report This has been a historic year for CDP North America, for the environmental movement – and for us all. Investors and governments must step up to meet the challenge – and we are here to help and guide them. CDP North America’s annual report comes at a time when our mission has never been more important. | |
CDP in the news As part of RE-Source, we helped co-ordinate a letter from 50+ major companies calling for renewable energy sourcing to be incorporated into EU stimulus measures. Read more in The Climate Group and Mirage News. CDP’s Helen Finlay and Hugo Rosa da Conceicao have written a guest piece for IISD on Unlocking Nature’s Potential, with recommendations for scaling up Nature-based Solutions. We believe in the power of quality data to inform and drive environmental action. That’s why we’ve engaged with digital powerhouses that share our vision, for a new data competition series. Our largest ever Non-Disclosure Campaign has received widespread media coverage, features in publications such as Forbes, grist, Financial News, BusinessGreen and IIGCC. We helped coordinate a letter from 109 investors worth €11.9trn calling for a green recovery. This was widely covered in publications such as edie, Bloomberg, BusinessGreen, the Financial Times and International Investment. Our new Cooling report has been covered by publications such as edie, Eco Business, future Net Zero and Ethical Corp. | |
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Events Science Based Targets for a Net Zero Emissions Economy 30 June: Join us for a practical session on the critical role the private sector plays in delivering the transition towards a net zero economy. Learn how to align your emissions reduction targets with a 1.5°C trajectory through the 'Business Ambition for 1.5°C’ campaign, a key opportunity to demonstrate climate leadership in 2020. 9 AM BST Register 5 PM BST Register Improve water disclosure and action with the new AWS Standard 2.0 1 July: Join Sarah Wade of AWS to learn about the AWS Standard 2.0. This webinar will help you understand how companies are applying the standard to inform their business strategy and minimize impacts on water resources across their facilities. 9 AM BST Register 4 PM BST Register | |