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Support Your Favorite Museum This Holiday Season

Your Gift Makes a Big Difference

The Smithsonian American Art Museum and its Renwick Gallery rely on gifts from people like you.

Embrace the tradition of giving this holiday season and make a donation to the Smithsonian American Art Museum!

Make a 100% tax-deductible gift of any size to support essential initiatives at SAAM like conservation, education, and public programs. Every gift helps bring a diverse range of American stories to our local, national, and international audiences. 

Donate Today
School group discussing artwork in the galleries.

Donations to SAAM help bring American art to classrooms around the country and the world through our education and distance learning initiatives.

Art conservator working on an Alma Thomas painting

Donations to SAAM ensure that the American art in our collection today is preserved for future generations through our conservation programs.

Adult and child working on a craft project.

Donations to SAAM help bring families together and inspire lifelong art lovers through our hundreds of free public programs.

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