DeSmog's Donation CampaignDear reader, For over 15 years, DeSmog has been exposing the people and organizations seeking to block climate action and a just transition to a clean energy future. We do that both in our pull-no-punches investigative reporting and in our extensive databases on Climate Disinformation, the Koch Network, COVIDenial, and Agribusiness. All of this is made possible by readers like you. Thank you! Our readers support us for all kinds of reasons — here are just a few: “I appreciate DeSmog’s deeper coverage of the role of institutions like the Chamber of Commerce in backing our current unsustainable energy policies.” - Grace K (monthly donor) “I rely on DeSmog as an activist and independent journalist to bring me the kind of original reporting into the companies who are destroying our environment, polluting low income communities of color and increasing global warming. They also show exactly how all levels of government are ill equipped to understand, regulate and prosecute these bad actors. And they do this in a more fearless and hard hitting manner than any of the other environmental publications out there.” - Lauren Steiner (repeat donor) Will you please join Grace and Lauren and become a one-time or monthly donor to DeSmog today? As we look ahead to the huge climate and energy challenges the world faces in 2022, we continue to believe in the potential for people-powered media to hold wealthy polluters accountable for climate inaction. VICE recently profiled DeSmog and called us ‘a Thorn in the Side of Corporate Climate Denial’ and ‘a world leader in rectifying environmental shithousery.’ Fiona Harvey, the Guardian’s environment correspondent, told VICE that “DeSmog perform an essential service in holding companies, government and other organisations to account.” “They’re great journalists,” and “their investigations are in-depth and high quality, their revelations impactful, their writers skilled, and their attitude invincible.” Will you help DeSmog remain invincible? Click here to donate right now. This year, DeSmog has exposed the fossil fuel industry’s ties to leaders of the world’s banks and insurance companies, tracked the evolution of climate science denial, and revealed the prevalence of greenwashing from oil company tweets to the UN climate summit in Glasgow. Our hard-hitting investigations and database expansions are DeSmog’s priority, and well, they don’t come cheap. We are constantly searching for the resources to keep up this essential work. Sincerely, Brendan DeMelle Executive Director