Tomorrow, we’ll release Media 2070: A Call to Dream Up Media Reparations
An invitation to dream media reparations


Tomorrow will be a momentous day in the life of Free Press as we unveil the fruits of more than a year of labor with the release of Media 2070: A Call to Dream Up Media Reparations.

Sign up now to receive a preview copy of this powerful essay and to collaborate with us on the Media 2070 consortium.

We’re living through historic times. The racial-justice uprisings that have been happening across the country have forced a reckoning.

Media 2070 is a groundbreaking Free Press essay that documents how anti-Black racism has been part of our media system’s DNA since colonial times.

Our team has documented stories, testimonies and resistance — yet what’s contained in these 100 pages is only the beginning.

As we build forward, Media 2070 will also take shape as a consortium of journalists, media-makers, activists, artists and beyond. We’ll gather to collect more testimonies, dream up reparative policies and take action for a world that’s never existed: one in which Black folks have the capital to shape our own stories through creation to production to distribution.

Get an advance copy of the Media 2070 essay by signing up now: We’ll keep you informed as the fight for media reparations continues to unfold.

This essay is a living document.

There’s still so much we need to learn about how white-controlled news outlets, tech companies and government policies have created and perpetuated the myth of Black inferiority.

The Media 2070 essay is an offering, welcoming critique and feedback. It is transformation work within a lineage of civil-rights activism, racial-justice organizing and broader calls for reparations.

This work makes visible the ways in which the media have taken part in and supported state violence and harm against Black people. It highlights why Black media reparations are critical to achieving racial justice and ensuring democracy is fully realized.

Will you help lay the groundwork for a world where a true multiracial democracy is a reality and Black people live free of systemic oppression? Sign up now to help dream and shape Media 2070.

In the spirit and truth of our ancestors—

Alicia, Collette, Joseph and the Media 2070 team

P.S. Free Press is about to embark on a historic journey with the release of our essay Media 2070: A Call to Dream Up Media Reparations. Let’s celebrate this historic day! Sign up now for the official Media 2070 launch party on Fri., Oct. 9, at 6 pm ET. Hope to see you there …


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