Next week we face off in court against the FCC.


The Trump FCC loves media consolidation: In 2017, it gutted longstanding ownership rules designed to limit how much local media a given company can own.

This was a huge gift to the white men who own nearly all of our media. We’re fighting back so the agency will do its job and boost ownership among women and people of color.

We sued the FCC last year and will be in court next Tuesday: Chip in whatever you can today to help our legal team succeed.



Free Press Action

We’ve sued the FCC — again. Chip in $10 (or whatever you can give) to help us win in court and stop the FCC from allowing more media consolidation.


We’re fighting multiple court battles against the Trump FCC. And next week we head to court to present our oral arguments in one of those fights: We sued the agency to stop its repeal of local media-ownership limits.

A bunch of white men already own almost all of our media and the FCC's move would allow more of the same. We’re fighting back so the agency will do its job and boost media ownership among women and people of color.

Chip in $10 — or whatever you can give — to help us present our best case next Tuesday.

Last year, we joined forces with Common Cause, Communications Workers of America and the United Church of Christ Office of Communication Inc. to file a lawsuit in federal court to stop the FCC’s repeal of local media ownership limits.

The Third Circuit Court of Appeals has told the FCC — three times — to consider its core obligation to promote gender and race diversity in broadcast ownership. In particular, the court has told the FCC that it can’t change its ownership rules unless it’s first examined how any changes would impact ownership opportunities for women and people of color.

Instead of doing any of that, in 2017 the FCC further weakened its media-ownership limits.

So we’re fighting back in court.

This fight has been years in the making. We’ve won before when the FCC tried to gut its ownership rules and we’re fired up to present our case in court next week. Could you chip in $5, $10 or $20 to help our legal team defeat the Trump FCC?

Thank you for all of your support.

Lucia, Jessica, Collette and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. If you’ve watched Ava DuVernay’s groundbreaking new Netflix film When They See Us, based on the case of the Central Park Five, you’ve seen what happens historically when people of color don’t control our own narratives — Black and Latinx children are criminalized and lives are destroyed. Donate today to help us fight the Trump FCC’s attack on diversity in media ownership.

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