Whether you’re just getting started with your digital archive or looking to dust off an old or stalled digital archive project, this session will help you engage your community in documenting history! There are so many amazing disparate resources to pull into meaningful collections to benefit future historians and researchers - from requesting theses and dissertations for your institutional repository, COVID-19 materials to document your community’s response to the pandemic, artifacts from local veterans, or event photographs from library programming – we’ll cover the key considerations and new tools to simplify the process of community collecting.
If your institution is looking to invite community participation in your digital collections program by submitting meaningful content, you need simple and easy tools to make the process seamless for your organization AND for submitters.
Join this webinar hosted by Library Journal and Preservica and co-sponsored by Preservica’s partner AWS to:
Discuss key considerations when inviting community submissions to your digital collections
Share your ideas for community collecting and challenges you may be facing
Learn about new tools available to invite community submissions of digital content in a wide variety of formats (photos, PDF, audio visual, and more!)
How will your organization use a community sessions feature?
We'd love to hear how libraries would like to use a community submissions feature. Please share your thoughts in this short, 3-question survey.
Katie Gambone, Channel Marketing and Business Development Manager, Preservica
Aubrey Shanahan, Onboarding Specialist, Preservica
Melissa Kemp, Freelance Writer – Archivist, KPW-AMC Inc.