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The Guardian Today US
US farm workers labor in deadly heat with few protections
‘We’re not animals, we’re human beings’ / US farm workers labor in deadly heat with few protections
Advocates want Osha to issue federal heat standards, requiring water, shade and rest breaks
‘​​I think it kicked ass’ / How Texas Democrats fought for voting rights by fleeing the state
Germany floods / Merkel voices horror at ‘catastrophe’ as death toll passes 100
Grin outlook / Restoration work wipes smile off the face of Dutch vegetable seller
Coronavirus / Republican lawmakers push to cast vaccine refusal as a civil rights issue
Guaranteed income / California passes US’s first state-backed plan
News extra
Pregnant man and multiracial handshake approved for launch
Emojis / Pregnant man and multiracial handshake approved for launch
Additional emojis aim to complete Unicode’s drive to offer more variety and gender-neutral options
England’s Covid unlocking is threat to world, say 1,200 scientists
Coronavirus / England’s Covid unlocking is threat to world, say 1,200 scientists
International experts say ‘unethical experiment’ could allow vaccine-resistant variants to develop
Why are we so obsessed with heists?
‘You can root for the bad guys’ / Why are we so obsessed with heists?
In a new Netflix docuseries, three unlikely heists are put under the spotlight along with the eccentric people behind them
Capital punishment / Everyone on death row gets a lawyer. Not everyone gets a Kim Kardashian
‘We have a hostility to being boring’ / Sparks, still flying in their 70s
Space / The space race is back on – but who will win?
Experience / I was stabbed while playing Hamlet
Gwen Berry / ‘I’m not anti-American … I want justice for everybody’
Most read in the last 24 hours
Kremlin papers appear to show Putin’s plot to put Trump in White House
Kremlin papers appear to show Putin’s plot to put Trump in White House
Climate scientists shocked by scale of floods in Germany
Democratic congresswoman arrested during voting rights protest at Capitol
There’s a new tactic for exposing you to radical content online: the ‘slow red-pill’
There’s a new tactic for exposing you to radical content online: the ‘slow red-pill’
If Covid-19 is a seasonal virus, why is it spreading during the summer?
The Open / Club maker hits back at DeChambeau over ‘stupid’ comments
Club maker hits back at DeChambeau over ‘stupid’ comments
Gold Cup / USA hammer six past Martinique to reach last eight
Sign up for the Tokyo 2020 daily briefing
The best of the Olympics and Paralympics
Newsletter / The best of the Olympics and Paralympics
Running throughout the Olympics and Paralympics, a guide to the day’s highlights and the best that is yet to come
Lisa Taddeo / ‘I suppose it comes as no surprise that I like dark writing’
‘I suppose it comes as no surprise that I like dark writing’
Sex Pistols / Legal battle over music licensing for new Danny Boyle series
A bee: in its dying moments its mouth opens and closes, kissing the ground
The nature of ... / A bee: in its dying moments its mouth opens and closes, kissing the ground
The Upside weekly report / Why are so many Americans happy with their lot?
Heat exhaustion, apocalyptic scenes: what it’s like fighting the US’s biggest wildfire
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