
Anne Frank House welcomes back visitors

After being temporarily closed, the Anne Frank House reopened its doors again – like all museums in the Netherlands. After being temporarily closed, the Anne Frank House reopened its doors again – like all museums in the Netherlands. The COVID-19 measures at the museum are still in effect. With a limited number of visitors per time slot, you can experienced the Anne Frank House even more intensely than before. We are open every day of the week. Only your starting time (= your time slot) is set (a 15-minute time slot), but once you’re inside the museum, you can take all the time you need for your visit.  

Order your tickets

Cold case investigation

Research into the arrest of Anne Frank continues to be of great importance. It offers insights into the actions, choices and motives of people under extreme circumstances. At the same time, it has to be said that key pieces of the puzzle concerning crucial aspects of the conclusions are missing from this cold case investigation. This means that the conclusions are unjustifiable. You must not mark someone down in history as the betrayer of Anne Frank if you do not have conclusive evidence for this. More research is needed.

27 January is Holocaust Memorial Day

'One of the key lessons from the history of the Second World War and the Holocaust is perhaps the insight that it was all the work of human beings: the exclusion, the persecution and deportation, and ultimately the murder of six million Jews. The emptiness of the house reflects this.' says Ronald Leopold, executive director of the Anne Frank House.

Graphic biography of Anne Frank in Persian

In a partnership between the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Persian language version of the graphic biography of Anne Frank is published as a special project to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The book tells the full story of Anne Frank in a clear and accessible way. 


Online Museum Tour

If you do not have the opportunity to visit the Anne Frank House in person, you can book an Online Museum Tour. We will take you through the virtual hiding place of Anne Frank and the other people in hiding. We will show you the current museum spaces and furnished Secret Annex where you can look 360 degrees around. Information will be given about the particularities of the rooms and the objects that can be seen there. And you can ask all your questions.
Copyright 2022 Anne Frank Stichting, All rights reserved.

Anne Frank House
PO Box 730
1000 AS Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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