Help us ramp up our campaign to protect your privacy.

Free Press Action

The Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade has jeopardized ALL privacy rights. Help us double down on our fight to protect your personal data with a donation today.


Last June, we sounded the alarm on the grim realities people in this country would face in a post-Roe v. Wade America — like tech companies and data brokers granting or selling sensitive location and search history data to government agencies aiming to criminalize people for seeking or obtaining an abortion in states where it is outlawed.

Then, not even two months later, we found out that Facebook gave Nebraska law enforcement access to a 17-year-old’s private Facebook messages to prosecute her for having an abortion.1

And in July the teenager was sentenced to 90 days in jail — and her mother faces up to five years in prison.2Meanwhile, companies like Google are still retaining sensitive location data about health-care visits — including visits to abortion clinics — despite committing to do the exact opposite.3

With your support, we’ll be in a position of strength to push back against the tech companies, law-enforcement agencies and data brokers trying to profit from, exploit or shred your digital-privacy rights. Make your first gift to Free Press Action with a gift of $5 or any amount today to help us reach our 350-donation #HandsOffMyData goal.

Here’s how Free Press Action is fighting back:

We’re pressing Congress to advance and pass the Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act. The legislation has bipartisan support — a rarity on Capitol Hill these days — and we need all hands on deck to get this bill over the finish line.

Will you support this work by making your very first gift to Free Press Action today?

It’s up to us to keep each other — and our data — safe. Let’s keep #HandsOffMyData!

In solidarity,

Candace and the rest of the Free Press Action team

1. "Facebook Gave Police Their Private Data. Now This Duo Face Abortion Charges," The Guardian, Aug. 10, 2022

2. “What Nebraska’s Sentencing of a Teen Who Used Abortion Pills Might Mean in Post-Roe America” TIME, July 26, 2023

3. “Google promised to delete sensitive data. It logged my abortion clinic visit.” The Washington Post, May 9, 2023

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