We took on the New York Times and prevailed -- thanks to our subscribers!

For those keeping track of the ongoing saga between the New York Times and The Babylon Bee, we just chalked up a big win, with the Times issuing a correction to one of the articles where they called us a far-right misinformation site.

As our infinitely wise and smart CEO Seth Dillon, may he live forever, reported on Twitter: "The @nytimes has responded to our demand letter by removing defamatory statements about us from their article. Here's their email to our counsel:


This is a big deal. The way fact-checkers, social media, and the corporate press are all intertwined, getting labeled as misinformation by big newspapers can be grounds for social media to censor us. To have a big name like the NYT issue a correction and backpedal on calling us misinformation should be a warning shot for all the other players in media not to throw labels out like that willy-nilly.

As Seth put it, "This is huge. The NY Times was using misinformation to smear us as being a source of it. That's not merely ironic; it's malicious. We pushed back hard and won. Thanks to everyone who voiced and offered their support. We don't have to take this nonsense lying down. Remember that."

This legal victory and any future ones we attain are because of our subscribers. We can't afford to fight giants like the NYT without the support of our readers. If you want to join our ever-growing army of devoted followers who want to help us stand and fight against attacks from the corporate press, become a paid subscriber today.

And a big thank-you to the Times for finally respecting the fact that we self-identify as funny satire.

In Christ,
Kyle Mann

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