Hey gang,

If you suffer from a little *indecisiveness* when it comes to what to do with your free time, then you're in luck.

Because we've got the cure, and it's a big fat dose of fun-spiration.

For one, a gigantic gold vault has just landed in Deira, and not only can you peek inside it, you can also win some of its contents.

Or if you fancy filling your lungs with some good old fresh air, then make the most of 2 for 1 tickets at this attraction.

International Women's Day is rolling around on Saturday, and there's a sky-high night swim reserved solely for the gals.

Dubai Mall has even expanded, with over 60 new stores to explore, or try bargain-hunting at some of the best outdoor markets in town.

So what are you waiting for?

Pick one (or five) and go get out there.

Over and out,


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