We will never stop fighting


The Washington Post and other outlets are reporting that Trump has chosen two diehard Net Neutrality opponents to head his FCC transition team.

In a time when all kinds of rights are under attack, we need the open internet more than ever to speak out and fight back.

We're going to do everything we can to counter the Trump administration but we can't do it without your support. If we raise $25K a generous donor will kick in an extra $25K — please chip in $10, $20, $50 or whatever you can today.



We will never stop fighting


Donald Trump is appointing people dedicated to overturning everything we've worked for. Chip in $10, $20, $50 or more today to help us fight back. Every dollar counts: If we raise $25K a generous donor will kick in an extra $25K.


We promise you this: Free Press will never — ever — stop fighting for your rights to connect and communicate.

Throughout our 13 years of existence, we’ve never faced a moment like this one. With the grave threats to immigrants, people of color, Muslims, women, the LGBTQI community and others, we’re joining with our allies to counter the Trump administration and RESIST.

Now more than ever we need a free and open internet, journalism that holds politicians and corporations accountable and protection from unwarranted surveillance by government and law enforcement agencies.

Please make your most generous gift today. Every dollar you give gets us closer to meeting our $25K challenge.

With the Trump team already on the record attacking Net Neutrality, press freedom and privacy protections, we’ve got our work cut out for us.

We will fight back any time the Trump administration, industry gatekeepers and corporate media threaten your rights to speak, assemble and organize.

We will oppose dangerous appointments to the FCC and other key agencies.

We will go to court as many times as it takes to defend Net Neutrality and anything else they try to take away from us.

We will organize reporters to stand up for press freedom and pioneer new ways to fund journalism that holds the powerful accountable.

We will stand up against racist, misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic and transphobic attacks and show up for our allies whenever and wherever we’re needed.

We will organize to get real people in front of decision-makers so we can combat the influence of industry lobbyists.

We will oppose the mainstreaming of Trump and his cabinet of white supremacists.

Building and sustaining this level of opposition will require an immediate influx of cash to expand our lobbying, legal and organizing power. That’s where you come in: Please donate $10, $20, $50 or more today.

In solidarity,

Carrie, Candace, Dutch and the rest of the Free Press team

P.S. Donating = resisting. Every dollar you give will help us meet our $25K challenge. Thank you!

P.P.S. We're supported solely by gifts from individuals and charitable foundations. Unlike most groups, we don’t take a cent from business, government or political parties, so your contribution makes a big difference — and helps us stay independent.


Free Press is a nonpartisan organization building a nationwide movement for media that serve the public interest. Learn more at www.freepress.net.

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