We would like to invite you to participate in a research study about events and information resources for professionals such as yourself.
While you are receiving this email because you are on a PennWell audience list, this research is being conducted by the independent market research firm Vital Clarity Consulting (VCC).
This online survey takes about 20 minutes to complete. To show you that we value your time, we would like to offer you a chance to win one of four $100 Visa Gift Cards.
If you are interested in sharing your thoughts, please click here.
We value your opinion and privacy and assure you that if you choose to share your thoughts with the researchers at VCC, your personal information will be kept confidential. All responses will only be presented in aggregate- no names or contact information included.
Please see below for our Participant Bill of Rights, protecting all of those who would like to participate in this research study.
Thank you for your consideration!
PARTICIPANT BILL OF RIGHTS Your participation in a legitimate opinion-based research is very important to us, and we value the information you provide. Therefore, our relationship will be one of respect and consideration, based on the following practices: - Your privacy and the privacy of your responses will be respected and maintained.
- Your name, address, phone number, e-mail, or any other personal information will not be disclosed to anyone outside the research team without your permission.
- The general nature of the research will be identified to you.
- You will not be sold anything, or asked for money, under the guise of research.
- Your decision to participate in a study, answer specific questions or discontinue your participation at any time will be respected.
- You are assured that the highest standards of professional conduct will be upheld in the collection and reporting of information you provide.
* Only one entry per person is permitted. |