
Eight years ago I was walking in downtown Portland, Oregon. As I approached a corner cafe, I walked past a homeless woman sitting on the sidewalk. She appeared to be in her 60's, with greasy, matted hair. A block away, haunted by Khalil Gibran's words in The Prophet, about it being better to give unasked, I felt compelled to go back and offer her a $20 bill. 

As she looked up, a shock went through me upon realizing that, at most, she was 20 years old! Inwardly, silently, horrified, I thought, "You don't have to live like this! You have options! You are powerful!" while simultaneously realizing that she knew none of this. She smiled and said thanks, and I continued walking, wondering how many others in life haven't been reached with the truths I hold dear: that we are spiritual beings, of the Divine, for whom all things are possible through the right use of our thoughts, words, and actions.

An hour later my publisher arrived at my hotel to take me to the evening's book signing, and I asked if we could first drive by the cafe. Sure enough the young lady was still there, so I got out of the car and approached. "Hi! I was here earlier. I've written a book about life and how powerful we are. Can I give you a copy?" Instead of the rebuke I expected, her smile and response were immediate, "Sure! I love to read! Thanks!" And that was the last I saw of her.

By the time I returned home, I had a plan: to reach more people who’ve not yet been reached. My team began calling prisons, jails, and rehabilitation centers, arranging for me to give short talks, after which I would leave behind my book Infinite Possibilities for those interested. I got my big break at the Orange County Jail in 2010, when I began speaking weekly to inmates to help them deal more effectively with life and make better choices upon their release. Some days my teachings were challenged, but mostly there was unanimous appreciation, echoed in comments like, "Thanks for visiting us," "I've never heard anything like this before," "It's true, my thoughts always have become things, I just need to work on my focus!"
Myself with fellow Infinite Possibilities Trainers.
There are now 2,000 licensed Trainers all over the world! 
Since those first talks, I’ve spoken to inmates, addicts, and the homeless, but now my focus is on training others, like you, to go out and reach people only YOU can reach, so that more people who have never “heard this stuff before” can get on board. There are now 2,000 Infinite Possibilities Certified Trainers licensed to teach this material, all over the world! Some teach it in their homes to friends and family, others take it to shelters and prisons, while others offer it at corporate and professional speaking events.

Life must be so scary without understanding the power we have to live deliberately and create consciously. Have you ever considered sharing what you know with friends and others (for free or a fee)? Would you like to join us in reaching those who have not yet been reached? If so, I’m sure you’ll find, as I have, that we teach best what we most need to learn – and in doing so, we learn it faster. 

I just hosted this year’s live annual training, so it will be another year before I do it again. Fortunately, my publisher Hay House has made it available as an online video course, John. Starting this week, I’ll be sharing all I’ve learned about shining my light, making a difference in the world, and reaching those who have not yet been reached! 

Whether you use the material for your own transformation or to help others with theirs, it will profoundly impact your life.

Yours in the adventure of life,
P.S. John, if you register in the next 48 hours you’ll receive Hay House’s generous early-bird discount, which ends Thursday.
We were put on this Earth to be the best we can be. Take this first step. This training will give you all the tools and resources you need to start, including:

  • Inspired talks by yours truly, on:

    *  Harnessing the power of your thoughts and imagination
    *  Aligning your beliefs with the life of your dreams
    *  Taking action versus messing with the cursed "hows"
    *  The role of faith and the magical universe
    *  The meaning of life and why you are here
    *  Creating a business to help others learn these truths 

  • A study of the Infinite Possibilities philosophy and workbook. 

  • Stories, tips, & insights on deliberate living from 13 top trainers.

  • Preparation to teach this material to audiences, clients, friends, family.

  • Advice on how to create a profitable business sharing your message. 

  • Free monthly follow-up classes taught by fellow trainers.

  • Royalty free licensing privileges on all of my included content.

  • Access to our amazing community of trainers for support.

  • A 100% money back guarantee, no questions asked.