The court challenges to Net Neutrality are here

Free Press

Net Neutrality is under attack in the courts. Donate to help us fight back >>

Here we go, friend:

ISPs Ask Sixth Court to Stay FCCs Net Neutrality Rules

In April, we celebrated a huge victory when the FCC restored its jurisdiction over internet service providers, which the Trump administration had tossed aside.1 Like clockwork, trade groups representing AT&T, Charter, Comcast and Verizon asked the Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals to block the FCC’s decision and the new Net Neutrality rules scheduled to go into effect next month.

The FCC rightly held its ground, but giant cable and phone companies ran to court. We won’t let these corporations win.

Donors play a crucial role in helping us fight back against attacks like these, friend. Will you make your first donation of $10 or any amount to our Net Neutrality Rapid-Response Fund?

These new rules restore Title II of the Communications Act, the sound legal foundation Net Neutrality is built on. This gives the FCC the comprehensive authority it needs to hold huge ISPs accountable and protect consumers from privacy invasions, junk fees, data caps and billing rip-offs.

In other words, companies like Comcast say they have your back, but can’t stomach rules holding them to their promises. They hate the fact they can’t rip you off — so much so that they’re willing to spend millions of dollars on legal battles, lobbying and disinformation.

The FCC’s authority to regulate broadband providers is clear, and no court has ever questioned the agency’s ability to treat internet access as an essential communications service. If we fight hard enough now, we can ensure these vital and POPULAR protections for an open internet endure and win in court again.

Make your first gift by donating to our Net Neutrality Rapid-Response Fund to help us defend a huge victory for the public interest and the internet as we know it.

Thank you in advance for your support at this critical time,

Candace and the rest of the Free Press team

1. “In Historic Vote, the FCC Reasserts Its Authority to Protect the Open Internet and Safeguard Online Users,” Free Press, April 25, 2024

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