Lifeline means access to lifesaving services and information.


On Thursday, we met face-to-face with FCC commissioners and their staff, with activists sharing personal stories of how Lifeline affordable phone and internet makes a lifesaving difference. We're already hearing that we made a huge impression.

Could you chip in $5 to help us keep the pressure on commissioners to drop Ajit Pai's cruel proposal?

Thanks so much!


Free Press Action

Yesterday we joined Lifeline subscribers and advocates at the FCC to urge commissioners to save the Lifeline program. Donate $5 or whatever you can to help us keep working to save this vital program.


“Lifeline can be a pathway out of poverty.”

“If you have Internet access, you’re 25% more likely to get a job.”

“You either choose to buy food or pay for internet. And you know which is going to win.”

These are some of the stories that were shared at yesterday’s Lifeline advocacy day hosted by Free Press and the Center for Media Justice. Together, we brought a delegation of Lifeline subscribers and advocates from across the country to speak to FCC commissioners and their staff about this program. We also delivered petition signatures from over 34,000 people who are calling on the FCC to save Lifeline.

Donate to our work to #SaveLifeline from the FCC majority. We need your help to win this fight.

Photo of Lifeline delegation delivering signatures to the FCC.

Lifeline is a vital federal program that helps poor and marginalized communities connect to telecommunications services. Yet the FCC’s Republican majority has proposed a rollback that would rob millions of people of affordable phone and internet access — disproportionately impacting people of color, seniors, veterans and those with disabilities.1

Lifeline means access to lifesaving services and information like disability benefits, health care, job opportunities and so much more.

The FCC majority wants to destroy Lifeline. Donate $5 or whatever you can to help us continue our fight to save the Lifeline program.

We won’t look the other way while FCC Chairman Pai and the GOP majority attempt to eject more than 7 million Lifeline subscribers, and leave large swaths of the United States without any affordable options.

Thanks for all you do,

Lucia, Collette, Carmen and the rest of the Free Press Action team,

P.S. The FCC is still considering a plan that would dismantle Lifeline, a program that helps people living below the poverty line stay connected to phone and internet. Pitch in to help us #SaveLifeline.

1. “Save Lifeline FAQs”:

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