300 gifts before midnight tomorrow — are you in?

Free Press Action


February is a few days shy of a standard month — but that didn’t stop the Free Press Action team from maximizing every single one of them to beat back unchecked corruption, obstruction and toxic Big Tech practices.

We’re able to stay in the game no matter how long it takes thanks to grassroots activists like you who fund our essential work. And right now, we’re counting on your support: Could you make your first gift to help fuel the essential work ahead?

We’re able to speak truth to power because we don’t take a single penny from business, government, or political parties. And right now, there’s too much at stake to let special interests win.

I’ve done the back-of-the-envelope math – and we need just 300 donations before midnight tomorrow to stay on track.

This is a crucial moment. With your support, we’ll be able to:

  • Keep fighting the hateful smear campaign against Federal Communications Commission nominee Gigi Sohn — and urge the Senate to end the 15-month delay by confirming her.
  • Pressure Congress, the FCC and the Federal Trade Commission to safeguard our private information so it isn’t compromised in massive data breaches, like the one that occurred last November at T-Mobile — the eighth hack in the company’s history.
  • Call on companies to stop advertising on Elon Musk’s toxic Twitter unless and until robust content-moderation guardrails against hate and disinformation are put into place.

Your gift today will help power these fights and so much more in the months ahead — and beat back the hate speech and disinformation that are eroding our democracy. Every dollar makes a difference — please give generously if you can.

Thank you so much for your support — and for all you do to support Free Press Action.

Brenda and the rest of the Free Press Action team

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