Sometimes you don’t know What you Like until you see it. . .

Until You REALLY See it!

Extraordinary Collectibles - Historical Home Decor

Vintage Poster Art, Extraordinary Collectibles, Historical Photography & Luxury Home Decor

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What is Masterpiece Photography?

A photo masterpiece, particularly when capturing iconic figures like Harry Houdini or Abraham Lincoln, is a profound testament to the photographer's ability to distill the essence of greatness into a single, compelling image. It transcends mere portraiture, offering a glimpse into the soul of its subject.


For Houdini, a photo masterpiece might capture the enigmatic intensity and daring spirit of the legendary escape artist, frozen in a moment that reveals both his vulnerability and his defiance. For Lincoln, it might encapsulate the solemn resolve and compassionate leadership of the revered president, etched in the lines of his face and the depth of his gaze.

Such a photograph transcends time, transforming the iconic figure into a living, breathing presence within the frame. It’s the convergence of technical mastery and profound insight, where every element—composition, lighting, expression, and atmosphere—aligns to tell a story far beyond the visible. This kind of photo masterpiece is not just a depiction; it's an enduring legacy, a piece of history captured with such brilliance 

. *See the Amazing article below about Wealth Management Collecting.


. Get another look at this jaw dropping Historic Abe Lincoln Photo, beore its gone! .

Amazing Rare Abraham Lincoln & Johnson Original Antique Civil War era Ferrotype Campaign Token, 1864

"For President Abraham Lincoln 1864"

MOST RARE!See this Gem HERE .

* See our Gallery ofHistory Artifacts HERE!'

"In the world of rare relics, delay turns desire into regret."


Before its GONE!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.



Kevin Rusty Conway



phone: 888-499-8112



Wealth Advisor on TYPE I Photos & Sports Memorabilia

Yesterday I stumbled on a Barron’s article titled, “Sports Memorabilia an ‘Immense’ Opportunity for Wealth Management Firms”.    What was interesting is the Wealth Advisor is a “Memorabilia Advisor” specializing in sports memorabilia collecting investing.   The wealth advisor discusses knowing exactly what niches to invest in like, High Grade, High Profile baseball cards like the Mickey Mantle rookie card.   


But what particularly caught my eye is where he mentions a couple niches that are particularly HOT right now.   One being a personal collecting passion, namely Vintage TYPE I photography, which he comments, “Type I Photos are skyrocketing”.  


I personally have always collected for the immense joy, but its nice to know that in the end when its time to liquidate,  there is value that awaits us, potentially Significant Value.


Meanwhile, I’ll keep focusing my Rare Vintage  treasure hunting on the most iconic historical photos put there. Photo Gems you’re not likely to find ANYWHERE Else! See our Historical Photography Collection Gallery   HERE. 


A thrilling discovery for militaria enthusiasts with a taste for fine art SEE HERE


Extraordinary Lobby Card Movie Posters - See HERE

Historical Photography (1840-1950s):See HERE

Babe Ruth & Vintage Sports: SEE HERE

The complete Classic Horror & Sci Fi Collection Gallery:See HERE

Wizard oz OZ (1939) Treasures, SEE HERE

But, BEFORE You Go!


Be sure to Check our latest Rare Vintage Finds in our NEW FINDS GALLERY, HERE


And for the most Exciting, EXTRAordinary Experience, check out the FEATURED TREASURES GALLERY, HERE

And may you have a safe and healthy

upcoming week!



Call: 888-499-8112

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