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November 12, 2016


Wealth Management Industry Reacts to Trump Presidency With Surprise, Echoes of Brexit

President Trump’s Agenda For The Wealth Management Industry Staff

The top six things advisors should look for in the new administration.

Fiduciary Rule Likely to Survive Trump Presidency

David Armstrong

It may be too late for a Trump administration to put the brakes on the impending Department of Labor fiduciary rule, but broader industry regulations going forward are likely to be muted.

Many Advisors Smile on Trump’s Victory

Diana Britton

“Mr. Trump is a successful businessman and one of his goals is to decrease taxes on businesses and higher-income earners.”

Tax and Wealth Planning Implications of a Trump Presidency

Suzanne L. Shier and Benjamin J. Lavin

Winning the election doesn't mean Trump has an easy path from tax proposal to enactment.

Inheritance Taxes Return to U.S. Soil

Stephen Liss and Marianne R. Kayan

The estate tax has been a hot button issue this election season, but many advisors aren’t aware that an inheritance tax may also be on the way.

New DOL Regulation and Smart Beta

Timothy M. Baker

Investors need advisors to cut through the crowded space to understand what they're getting.

The Future of Third-Party Asset Managers in a Post-DOL World

Greg Luken

Will your TPAM survive the Department of Labor’s fiduciary rule?

How Smart Are You About Index Funds?

John Kador

There's more to index funds than meets the eye. Here's your chance to find out how much you really know about this ubiquitous asset.

Niche Marketing on LinkedIn

Stephen Boswell and Kevin Nichols

The social network for business can help find prospects, determine connections and market to them.