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Live, Interactive CE and CLE Virtual Forums

November 9th and 10th


View Full Agenda and Register Here


Four Complimentary, One-Hour Sessions

At Trusts & Estates, we’re fortunate to have an esteemed editorial advisory board, composed of leaders in the estate planning and wealth management industries. And we’re equally fortunate that they’re willing to share their accumulated wisdom with you at our special November 2021 wealth planning forum.


Join us as they provide you with the latest news and trends in their respective disciplines, including estate planning and taxation, philanthropy and international practice. Register



Single-Click Registration

Once you register for one forum, simply click on any other sessions
you wish to attend—and you’re automatically registered.




• High-net-worth investment advisors
• Financial planners
• Estate planning attorneys
• Trust officers
• CPAs/accountants
• Counselors to non-profits and foundations



Gold Sponsors







Advisory Board Committee Reports


Four CE/CLE Sessions (November 9-10, 2021)




Tuesday, November 9th

11:00 am ET: Taxing the Wealthy

Our panelists discuss their views on proposals being floated by Senators and the Biden administration, whether they will actually accomplish their intended goals, and whether we should even have an estate tax at all.






Turner P. Berry, Partner,
Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs



Jonathan Blattmachr, Principal,
ILS Management



Susan Lipp, Editor-in-Chief,
Trusts & Estates



2:00 pm ET: Trustee Intake Process in Estate Litigation

Experts present a primer on the trustee intake process (and beyond) from a litigator’s point of view. Topics covered will include what to look for in a trustee; what to consider when asked to be a trustee, and monitoring your charges after you’ve become a trustee.






Jay W. Freiberg, Partner,
Elman Freiberg



Jeremy Mellitz, Attorney, Law Offices of Jeremy Mellitz



Susan Lipp, Editor-in-Chief,
Trusts & Estates



Panel Sponsor






Wednesday, November 10th

11:00 am ET: When Things Go Sideways For Covered Expatriates: Possible U-Turns and Solutions

A close look at the potential liability for taxers and/or penalties that apply to certain individuals who gave up their U.S. citizenship and/or their U.S. permanent residence visa (Green Card) at some time in the past.






Melvin Warshaw, Tax Lawyer, Melvin A. Warshaw, Esq.



Lawrence M. Lipoff, CPA, CohnReznick



Susan Lipp, Editor-in-Chief,
Trusts & Estates



2:00 pm ET: Proposed Legislative Changes That Affect Charitable Giving

Our panelists will discuss the recently issued Green Book that could impact charitable giving, including the funding of split-interest charitable trusts using appreciated assets, and the significant benefits that will remain even if the Green Book proposals are enacted.






Sandra G. Swirski, Partner,
Urban Swirski & Associates



Robert F. Sharpe, Jr., CEO,



Jenni Davenport, VP Software Solutions/Editor-in-Chief, WealthCounsel



Panel Sponsor






View Event Calendar and Register

Continuing Education (CE) and Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Credits for Live Attendees:CFP, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, RMA®, AEP® and NACLE credits have been applied for and are pending approval.


Not able to attend the live events?

Archived versions of Trusts & Estates Virtual Forums are available for viewing on-demand shortly after broadcast. Register today and you will receive an email with login instructions as soon as the replay is available. Note: Only live attendees qualify for free CE and CLE credits.




Gold Sponsors







Interested in sponsorship opportunities? Learn more.




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