MacMost Newsletter
The MacMost Newsletter: Issue 804
May 30, 2024
Newsletter subscribers get 20% off all courses at the MacMost Courses site. The coupon code until the end of the month is boom. Check out all of the MacMost courses at the MacMost Courses site.
-- Gary
When talking about your Mac and other Apple products it is often important to use the right terms in order to communicate and get help or discuss ideas. Learn the different between the pointer and cursor, battery life and longevity, memory and storage. Learn how to correctly identify which Mac you have and which version of the operating system it is using.
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Apple changed the rules and now several game emulators are available in the App Store. So you can now play old Atari, Gameboy and other games on your iPhone. But why the massive day-to-day coverage at many sites?
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While it is easy to sort by numerical or alphabetical values, there is no simple way to sort with a custom order like High, Medium and Low. But you can use simple SEARCH or MATCH formulas to do a custom sort if you need it.
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If you feel your MacBook battery drains too fast, there is probably something you can do about it.
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When searching for information online you may not get your answer right away when you get to a web page. Instead of reading the whole page you can search for text within a page to quickly find what you want. Here's how to search for text on a web page on the Mac in Safari and on the iPhone.
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OpenAI released a native Mac app that you can use with ChatGPT. It allows you to easily send images and ask questions using your voice.
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Windows total recall, Mac ChatGPT App, Google search results controversies, Atari finally buys Intellivision. Subscribe at iTunes...
I'm often asked about the software and gadgets I use to produce the MacMost videos and in my work as a developer. So I've compiled a list of the products I use and recommend. Check it out. -- Gary
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