Dear John,

I know you.

You happen to life - life doesn’t happen to you - even in a Pandemic!

You are a difference maker.

You understand that you have a choice, and the choice is yours.

You believe and live the Ziglar Philosophy:

“You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” Zig Ziglar

I also know this about you.

You understand that it is not always easy.

You understand that life is not fair.

And yet, you keep on going.

Because you BELIEVE this:

The most rewarding way to achieve your dreams is by helping others achieve theirs.

Perseverance, grit, discipline - these words define you.


You are Anti-fragile.

You invest in yourself and you constantly raise your game.

You are committed to becoming the best you can be.

You are on a journey, each day getting a little closer to your destination.

YOU live a life of Significance because you help others BE, DO, and HAVE more than they thought possible.

I have a special invitation for you.

Learn how you can become a part of the Ziglar Legacy Certified team of Speakers, Trainers, and Coaches.

Join me for a live webinar this Thursday, April 30th at 2:00 pm CST.

Register here.

The title of the webinar: From Success to Significance! Transform Yourself and Others During the Toughest Times.

I look forward to seeing you on the live webinar.

I know you.

You are committed to growing, because you are committed to helping others grow.

Join me and learn how you can go from Success to Significance and Transform Yourself and Others During the Toughest Times.

One more thing.

Are you a coach, trainer or speaker? Or have you always wanted to be?

Would you love to be equipped and empowered to help others be, do, and have more than they thought possible?

You will learn how you can become a Ziglar Legacy Certified Ambassador, Trainer, and Coach, and be equipped to teach Zig Ziglar's life-changing, business-building programs that have already impacted the lives of millions of people. That’s right, you will learn how you can teach others The Fastest Way to Success and achieve your dreams by helping others achieve theirs!

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Don’t miss this webinar as we will be announcing something brand new for the first time ever. I look forward to seeing you on the webinar!

Join me - register right here!

Choose to Win!

Tom Ziglar


Ziglar, Inc., 15400 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas 75248 United States 1 (800) 527-0306