Dear John,

Are you a Speaker?

Would you like to become a Ziglar Legacy Certified Speaker and Trainer?

Do you want to be a Speaker, or Trainer but haven’t stepped into your Calling?

Do you want to create and deliver a Life-Changing KEYNOTE speech but don’t know exactly how to do this?

Whatever your answer is - DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY!

The Time is Now!

  • People are more ready than ever to focus on their gifts, strengths, and purpose
  • The hybrid workforce needs to be developed, inspired, trained, and coached to succeed in the new world
  • People are ready to create the balanced life they have always dreamed of
  • Mindset and belief will be the difference between those who create the future they want and those who desperately hang onto a world that no longer exists

If you are Possibility focused and want to Create the future you want as a Speaker, then I invite you to join me for a live interactive webinar I am doing titled: NOW! The Greatest Opportunity In Our Lifetime to Be a Speaker!

On this webinar I will reveal to you what I believe is the ultimate solution to today's business OPPORTUNITIES (not problems) and how you can be the answer to creating the future that individuals and businesses crave.

Bonus #1: Special Guest internationally acclaimed speaker Jason Frenn will cover the 3 Keys to creating and delivering a powerful life-changing KEYNOTE SPEECH. Jason regularly speaks to groups of more than 10,000 people and he created the curriculum for the Ziglar Speakers Institute.

Register here.

Bonus #2: When you attend the webinar, I will send you my two E-book Action Guides, Stronger and Motivating and Leading the Remote Workforce that will help you get the most out of these challenging times and create the future you want.


Plus I will share with you how you can join the Ziglar family as a Ziglar Legacy Certified Speaker and Trainer.

Yes, NOW! Is the time to take action on your dreams of becoming a life-changing Speaker.

Join me and learn how you can create the future you have always dreamed of.

Register here.

Choose To Win!


P.s. Don’t Wait! I titled this webinar NOW! For a reason!

Register here. I know you.

You happen to life - life doesn’t happen to you - even in a Pandemic!

You are a difference maker.

You understand that you have a choice, and the choice is yours.

You believe and live the Ziglar Philosophy:

“You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” Zig Ziglar

I also know this about you.

You understand that it is not always easy.

You understand that life is not fair.

And yet, you keep on going.

Because you BELIEVE this:

The most rewarding way to achieve your dreams is by helping others achieve theirs.

Perseverance, grit, discipline - these words define you.


You are Anti-fragile.

You invest in yourself and you constantly raise your game.

You are committed to becoming the best you can be.

You are on a journey, each day getting a little closer to your destination.

YOU live a life of Significance because you help others BE, DO, and HAVE more than they thought possible.

I have a special invitation for you.

Learn how you can become a part of the Ziglar Legacy Certified team of Speakers, Trainers, and Coaches.

Join me for a live webinar this Thursday, November 18th at 2pm CST.

The title of the webinar: NOW! The Greatest Opportunity In Our Lifetime to Be a Speaker!

Register here.

I look forward to seeing you on the live webinar.

One more thing.

Would you love to be equipped and empowered to help others be, do, and have more than they thought possible?

You will learn how you can become a Ziglar Legacy Certified Speaker, and be equipped to teach Zig Ziglar's life-changing, business-building programs that have already impacted the lives of millions of people.

That’s right, you will learn how you can teach others The Fastest Way to Success and achieve your dreams by helping others achieve theirs!

Join me - register right here!


Ziglar, Inc., 15400 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas 75248 United States 1 (800) 527-0306